ive been kicking it for 5 years of BoTing on same account an they havent got me yet.
Yea! You wrote the right essence here!
I am perfectly sure, they target multiaccount botters recently.
Mario27, I am confident atm, they track server side if you run from Single IP + Wow installation more than a few accounts, and examine their behaviours.
If you run 5x dungeonbuddy levelers on fresh account, do it very conservative please - at least in the first 72hours or even in the first week. People around me have been auto banned only because they ran the 1-85 dungeon spam within the first 72 hours. Or ran the 5x dungeonbuddy for 5-6 hours or more.
I think, after the first week pass, the server side scripts are going much more relaxed.
The same applies for running gather bots:
I got hit last week the same day, when my ISP decided to "give" me single static IP, and I "mindlessly" switched on all my 7x pandaria gatherbots in the same time

They all got autobanned in less than 4 hours! The interesting part was, they were down virtually in the same moment. 6 of them was ran for almost 4 hours, the last 1 was ran for ~2hours, and it was banned like 15min after the others.