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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

No! Since you have no idea what strategy other guilds are using for heroic spoils it seems unfair to just add something in because one person asks for it in pvp no less. for me it will cost me dps since I only spell steal it when coordinated with the dispellers. Also we have a second mage who might like it aswell! or indeed we will see who has most procs ect.. Since it is added maybe a setting to turn that on or off might be a good idea.

You can enable/disable spellsteal from the class abilities tab. Give it a try as it is first, if it's doing it too often then it's easy enough to change it back (or add another setting).
What are the best settings for Arena, Ive been messing with it for ages but its still not that great.
there is always a delay in selecting target, i am using this in bgbuddy, it always stutters a little before engaging in combat. i dont seem to have this problem with king wow cc, it engages asap when in range. any idea how to fix this guys ?
No! Since you have no idea what strategy other guilds are using for heroic spoils it seems unfair to just add something in because one person asks for it in pvp no less. for me it will cost me dps since I only spell steal it when coordinated with the dispellers. Also we have a second mage who might like it aswell! or indeed we will see who has most procs ect.. Since it is added maybe a setting to turn that on or off might be a good idea.

I'd love to know how you have time to see the buff on target, communicate with your dispellers and check your own buffs and then check the other mages buffs, then check your procs and their procs and then decide to spell steal (it would have expired by this time) Just turn it off in settings and steal manually if you want to do that, GL btw! This is the only solution based on your requirements, all that has changed is it will ignore whether you currently have it or not (this was not a PVP oriented change so don't know where you got that from, it was specifically looking at this encounter). The issues you highlight would have happened before this change and will persist whatever the rotation is set to, it would have still not checked whether healers/others are dispelling etc and never has done..... You cannot use the rotation to spell steal (pre or post change) based on what you have just said so I fail to see how anything you mention is relevant to this change? Unless I'm missing something.

"I only spell steal it when coordinated with the dispellers" - so you weren't using it to start with, the rotation certainly wasn't doing that for you..

In hindsight, maybe we should only refresh the damage increase buff and not the healing one though :). It sent my mana a little low as Arcane, was fine as frost, could just evocate.
I'd love to know how you have time to see the buff on target, communicate with your dispellers and check your own buffs and then check the other mages buffs, then check your procs and their procs and then decide to spell steal (it would have expired by this time) Just turn it off in settings and steal manually if you want to do that, GL btw! This is the only solution based on your requirements, all that has changed is it will ignore whether you currently have it or not (this was not a PVP oriented change so don't know where you got that from, it was specifically looking at this encounter). The issues you highlight would have happened before this change and will persist whatever the rotation is set to, it would have still not checked whether healers/others are dispelling etc and never has done..... You cannot use the rotation to spell steal (pre or post change) based on what you have just said so I fail to see how anything you mention is relevant to this change? Unless I'm missing something.

"I only spell steal it when coordinated with the dispellers" - so you weren't using it to start with, the rotation certainly wasn't doing that for you..

Sir I don't feel I need to ex plane how we communicate in the guild or what addons/skillz we have or have you posting something that is in a roundabout way saying I am talking rubbish. my guild atm is ranked under top 60 world atm and this mage is one of my alts. Be leave it or not I am trying to help by pointing out issues that YOU might come across. I have zero need for this bot other than being lazy on farm nights which is all the time now. So if you want to be a smart guy that's up to U. I can already feel your big size 10's on this forum
and tbh if it gets gets filled with posts like yours, Sir I'll just stop posting/caring and when ppl cant figure what the F**K is going on cus they are loosing dps on some fights and getting quizzed by there rl then I'll sit back and lol.
No need to resort to personal insults, I valued your input. I was simply pointing out that your post didn't make sense in terms of the recent change. As I said, it did make me think of a potential issue which I stated at the end of my post. I fail to see what relevance your guild ranking has on the current rotation changes. In answer to your question, I am a size 9.

I'd also argue that stealing a 50% damage buff that lasts 20 seconds minimum will never be a DPS loss, it's only available to steal in that raid say 4-5 times per run (and you will only be doing that side once of course). As I mentioned, we might want to ignore the healing buff if we already have it.

What add-on are you using to track guild members current procs in real time? Mostly trinkets etc. I'd be very interested in using this for performance monitoring. Would also be handy for timing Hero etc.
Millz im really enjoying your CRs.

I use it only for PvP purposes. That being sad, could you give me a quick explanation on Alter Time and Spell Steal mechanics in your CR ? Just so i can config them properly for PvP.

Thank you very much in advance.
Millz im really enjoying your CRs.

I use it only for PvP purposes. That being sad, could you give me a quick explanation on Alter Time and Spell Steal mechanics in your CR ? Just so i can config them properly for PvP.

Thank you very much in advance.

Oh and also, under under Talents, for cold Snap could you make it so that the second check box the health Value is configurable as well ? Atm its set to 70.
Millz im really enjoying your CRs.

I use it only for PvP purposes. That being said, could you give me a quick explanation on Alter Time and Spell Steal mechanics in your CR ? Just so i can config them properly for PvP.

Thank you very much in advance.

Hey - Glad you're enjoying them!

Spellsteal -> will steal any buff that the target has which you don't (it may take a couple of attempts to get the steal if they have a few buffs active). If you've got only cooldowns/hots, then it will only attempt to steal certain buffs when they've got an active cooldown buff, or a HoT (like renew, rejuvenation).

Alter Time;
- [Offensive] - Highest DPS method, i.e. waiting for procs to and doing high burst damage.
- [Defensive] - Will cast upon certain incoming abilities being cast on you, such as Death Grip.. It'll cast Alter Time before DG lands, so that once the alter time expires, we're back to where we were (away from the death knight).

Oh and also, under under Talents, for cold Snap could you make it so that the second check box the health Value is configurable as well ? Atm its set to 70.

I'll add it to the to-do list.
Completely missed both of these questions earlier.

there is always a delay in selecting target, i am using this in bgbuddy, it always stutters a little before engaging in combat. i dont seem to have this problem with king wow cc, it engages asap when in range. any idea how to fix this guys ?

Can you post a log file please?

What are the best settings for Arena, Ive been messing with it for ages but its still not that great.

There aren't any best or ideal settings, otherwise they'd be the defaults. It's down to play style and your combo really. You still need to have a certain element of control too, i.e. just letting the routine take care of dishing out the damage, but you work with your partner to crowd control, silence etc.
Fixed thanks,
and btw, any chance i can make the bot MULTI dot living bomb several targets in arena?
Fixed thanks,
and btw, any chance i can make the bot MULTI dot living bomb several targets in arena?

Just enable AoE and it'll multi DoT :)

Make sure the minimum DoT HP value (on the talent tab) is set to something fairly low though.
Hello, I have been wondering what rating have people got with this? I am still trying to find the sweet spot for this routine for PVP/Arena I know most of the time at the start of the battle want to burst down as fast as possible but dont see a one press macro! :P also it does not cast icelance much and thats a 70k hit.

I was wondering what settings are people using whats on whats off.
bah its doing arcane explosion in the arena like a retard XD

Turn the High AoE Unit Count up to a high number.. like 99.

Hello, I have been wondering what rating have people got with this? I am still trying to find the sweet spot for this routine for PVP/Arena I know most of the time at the start of the battle want to burst down as fast as possible but dont see a one press macro! :P also it does not cast icelance much and thats a 70k hit.

I was wondering what settings are people using whats on whats off.

Not using Ice Lance much? Can you post a log file?
what spec are you guys findin to most benfiet from this cr in 2's or 3's frost or fire

I personally like Frost spec for PvP. I take Ice Floes for moving + frost bolt casting, which makes it pretty good against melee to kite them.