Is it mutual exclusive? Hardlock ON framelocks everything, so softlock is then not needed?No idea to be honest. The difference will be next to nothing I'd guess.
Is it mutual exclusive? Hardlock ON framelocks everything, so softlock is then not needed?No idea to be honest. The difference will be next to nothing I'd guess.
Is it mutual exclusive? Hardlock ON framelocks everything, so softlock is then not needed?
Just purchased my copy, eager to try it out soon as the order is finished processing!
Set the minimum DoT HP value to 1.5m - mind controlled players have 1.2m health I believe.
- Im probly stupid but I cant find that setting in Portal only in Insanity :/
Log for Spell Steal (or lack of) there are about 15 instances in here, on average these buffs appears 3-6 times per try (we had 25 wipes haha), but it only got 15 of them. Looking at WOL I made 43 spell steals and a further 170 were dispelled by someone else (and they weren't fast about it, often I had the mob targeted and the buff just ran out or was dispelled after 5 or so seconds yet i just kept casting away unless i stole it manually)
[20:32:39.272 D] [Portal ~ Debug] Buff available to steal: [B]Residue[/B]
[20:32:39.274 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 86] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Spellsteal] [On: Zar'thik Swarmer @ 71.2% - 4.8m]
[20:52:26.632 D] [Portal ~ Debug] Buff available to steal: [B]Rage of the Empress[/B]
[20:52:26.634 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 56.4] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Spellsteal] [On: Zar'thik Amber Priest @ 70.4% - 26.2m]
Maybe someone already had this problem in the 200 pages of this post but I can4t read it all ^^"
My bot isn't releasing spirit when he dies ... It only happens with this combat routine, not with singular ... any idea why ? Is there a plugin for that ?
Here is WOL export from our logs just for Rage of the Empress (there are even more Residue ones). There are 162 instances here alone.
It won't steal the aura if you've already got it active - it's trying to get the benefit from the buff rather than using it to dispel the target. Probably what's stopping it from casting so much.
Yea I get that, but I've not got the buff (apart from those 15 instances and the manual steals, the Residue one is very short lived) and I can see it on the target but it just ignores it, anything else I can check? / provide to prove this? It's 100% not working properlyIt's like it doesn't "notice" it's there. I deliberately didn't steal it for one try (at all) and I saw it on the target 5 times (3 residues and 2 empress). Is there any way to force it to steal the buff even it thinks you have it? Maybe that's the problem (there are so many buffs going during this fight maybe it's getting confused?)
As I said, there should be 100+ spell steals in the log if this was working properly, not just 15 in 3+ hours of attempts.
Im getting a weird 5-10 second delay before it starts the routine when entering combat on boss fights. I'll try to post a log after the next encounter for you, dunno what the issue is.