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7 yeard old account with 15k ach banned


Feb 27, 2013
So my main account just got perma banned, along with my bot accounts.

I had 3 accounts where I used gatherbuddy on, but I never used HB on my main account. They all got banned at the same time few moments ago. Any chance on getting my main account back? :( What should I say to get it back?
So my main account just got perma banned, along with my bot accounts.

I had 3 accounts where I used gatherbuddy on, but I never used HB on my main account. They all got banned at the same time few moments ago. Any chance on getting my main account back? :( What should I say to get it back?

Dude my account just got banned to....and it was 19k achivement point with full t3 and scarab lord and alot of other stuff...i just used hb to farm one mount for like 2 hours on saturday and today i get banned......dunno wtf im going to do now
Just quit !

It wont be easy and you will get withdrawal symptoms like a drug addict. You may look at other games but they will seem crappy. You may make a starter account but that's not the real McCoy. Eventually you will come to realise how much wasted time and money you put into a video game that you will feel happy and Free, finally.

Just do it .. the game is going down hill and fast

The ban was the best thing blizz did to you
So in e-mail it said I got banned for eploiting economy, and when I contacted blizz they said I used bot programs. The thing is I never did any of those on my main account. x.x Any ideas on how to appeal this?
my account 8 years old one got banned as well appapeld declineded sitll banned i nver used hb only PQR they say i used muiltibot programs and shit its kinda annoying and other ppl only get 72 bans for PQR some got perma tho
just make a new account on the same b.net to keep your titles/pets/mounts and achievements. RAF yourself and get to 85 in 2 days.
+1 lol
Just quit !

It wont be easy and you will get withdrawal symptoms like a drug addict. You may look at other games but they will seem crappy. You may make a starter account but that's not the real McCoy. Eventually you will come to realise how much wasted time and money you put into a video game that you will feel happy and Free, finally.

Just do it .. the game is going down hill and fast

The ban was the best thing blizz did to you
botting is fun so its not that big a deal when you have to start over. If you gonna level 1-90 by hand then fuark that but just botting to 90 again doesnt take long. 1-85 takes 3 days max with RAF and then 85-90 1-2 days. Once 90 gear up timeless isle, then do TOT LFR (dungeonbuddy) and by hand SoO LFR. You'll gear up in no time :)
You realize not all accounts are worth SHIT right ? You know that mounts and shits are not all....i even had on my account ALL TIERS from 1-15 , bunch of tgc stuff ALOT of unavaliable things ect....to be honest like other guy said maybe this was the best thing blizzard actually did to me.....i spent WAY too many time playing this game . Playing poker online now , just dont care about this anymore and for sure i wont be boting or playing this game ever again . i wish good luck to EVERYONE .
I appealed and my ticket got cancelled without a word. I then contacted Live chat and spoke to an actual GM who gave me more than the automated replies (that I am sure we are all used to lol) He said they have re-opened it and it's under a final review by another team now, which I am waiting for the outcome of. I will let you guys know
This is what you will get im afraid.

Good day!

Following a review of your case, we can confirm that the evidence presented was correct, and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands, and will not be overturned.

Your account was banned for exploitative activity and economy exploitation.

Please note, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations, beyond the information given in the original notice mail, for privacy and security reasons.

We now consider this matter closed, and would not look to enter into further communication on the matter.
They overtuned my ban and I can log in again. Not even have to wait 72 hours. I think i am lucky?