1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Final Stable Release
3)If so, when was the last time?: 09.01.2014 23:04
4)What profile were you using?: Private Pick-Pocket
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default
6)What plugins are you using?: Private Pickpocket Plugins and Logmeout
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: Many
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? %5-10 maybe
9)How many auctions per day did you have?: None
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No
11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Sold gold with other accounts
12)EU or US realm? EU
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid
2 72 hours banned pickpocket rogues. But the bad thing is they erased my guilds. (Yes, they did not ban the accounts which are connected to those guilds but they erased the guilds instead)
Now the story begins.
Thanks to buddyteam, i discovered this tool around 2 years ago. Since then, i have become a big botter who extended slowly.
I have been hit in 2 big waves, the date of which i can't remember right now but the two real waves they were. (Guess in 2012 and 2013 May) Lost around some millions (including mats in Guild Banks) but did not mind of course.
I have sold millions and millions gold. At 2011, i was back from army (before that never botted) and was out of employ. Many many thanks to Buddy Team that i could make a living for myself, my familiy and even marriage. (Explanation at the end)
This form is more a "Thank you" letter to all the designers, community developers and the people who supports this tool with their fabulous ideas, works. I always wished that i could be one of these developers like fpsware, kickazz etc. but i could not due to being so busy as a gold farmer and in my real life and due to being a dumb who does not understand anything.
This tool, as i explained above, made my family and me make a living more than expected. I was an old reseller of that mighty "Pr3cious" in my country for gametimes, about which i should have listened Bossland. In one of his topics he had explained that these gametimes were fraud and Blizzard did not have automation system to check who really bought RAF or not. But the reality was so hard. After diablo3 (which was bought via 12 months gametime promise and which was used to be sold by RAF gametime dealers) was blown away by blizzard i could finally understand that i made a terrible mistake and as i said, i should have listened Bossland. Here is the link; http://www.thebuddyforum.com/genera...pre-paid-cards-vs-raf-gold-trading-print.html But, i could even pay those raf gametimes back which were erased, thanks to honorbuddy. I did, because the ones who i bought the gametime from were not even trying to cooperate. All they did was to put a "disclaimer" on their front pages and say "There is a disclaimer there. Why do not you read it?" What if you did not lie and put that disclaimer before trying to convince me to sell those times in my country and calling them as "safe" gametimes? (By the way, later on i learned how to do that too, but i never ever used this method because RAF promotion is something Blizzard earns money and if you do not pay their money and exploit it, IT IS CALLED STEALING) Good old days, honorbuddy was even enough to make me pay those golds and bucks back.
As i already mentioned, after coming back from army, i discovered this tool. Before army, my family's financial situation was bad. I helped them (like every other adults should do) to make a living because we were 6 people and noone was able to find a work at that time. That's why i can't even tell how this tool helped me in my bad days. That's why this is more a Thank you letter rather than flaming like others and insisting this tool is not good anymore. (Wrong, because Blizzard is more clever right now) Before army, i had withdrawn a large credit debt from the bank which i could not pay. My financial situation over the bank was now bad as well, and even if i wanted to withdraw again, they would never let me do. (Blacklisted) Thanks to that tool, through paypal to my bank, there were too many transfers and the bank offered credit themselves due to the amount of transfers. (LOL?) With the money i withdrew finally i was able to make a marriage. (Of course i laid up some money by selling gold apart from credit)
This story, believe it or not a very very lived story by me. I will never ever forget the moments i could go and do my home's shopping and my mother's crying when thanking to me. Thank you buddy team. You really deserve more than this. Thank you for helping me on my black days, and even saving my blacklist status.
The second reason i am writing this form which i never ever did before, that i want to help as much as i can when typing my final words.
Lately, as far as i could follow the forums, many people wonder how they got caught. Many people, especially big gold farmers who used to farm gold 7/24 blame buddyteam.
No, it is not so. For about one week ago, i made a chit chat with a GM. Here it is.
GM: Hello there! How are you today?
you: I am fine until i saw you! Hey you are orc peon! HOOOORDE!
you: Kidding. I am very fine thank you. How are you faring?
GM: Orc Peon? My avatar should be the cinder kitten :S I'll have to get that looked into.
GM: I am glad to hear that you are good. I am doing well thank you
you: Actually i have a big big issue about my newly purchased account which i transferred my old character into.
GM: Ok, so you transferred a character from a different account and now you can't log into the character?
you: Yes.
you: But was able to play for 2-3 days. Yesterday i was playing again and bum
you: Can't log in now.
you: I purchased an account for only this character and to keep myself seperate from my irl friends, as i do not want to play with them but keep my privacy and do not want them know this.
you: They are too heartbroken so easily so i do not want to neither break their hearts or leave this game.
GM: Ok, give me a few mins to have a look please.
you: okay
GM: Right so I can see that our payment investigation team declined your character transfer payment.
you: Why? :S
GM: The reason looks to be something to do with how many different accounts your IP address has been logging into.
GM: Normally when an IP address logs into this many accounts it means that it is bot farmers, rather than legitimate players.
you: But i have an internet cafe and normally always having here.
GM: So they are quite picky, when that happens.
you: And my cafe runs mmo games generally
GM: That would explain why.
you: But will i have to buy 2-3 more ips as i am running an internet cafe?
you: there are 10s of stundents and people who is playing wow daily here.
GM: I understand. I am just checking into what I can do to fix this for you this time.
you: it is ok waiting.
you: Btw, if you are only doing this for ip what can i do?
you: Because i do not want to get in trouble here. As i said, my internet cafe is capable of many games and wow is just one of them and the most important one.
GM: Sorry for the wait there.
you: It is okay.
you: As i said i am running a cafe, in any case someone calls and not waiting.
GM: Technically as the payment was declined (e.g. cancelled) you haven't paid for the character transfer any more. But as a one off I am only unlocking the character, rather than moving it back to the original account and making you re-do the transfer.
you: So what will my next course of action be?
you: I mean will i be able to pay and play?
GM: The character is unlocked, so you can play.
GM: You won't need to pay, this time
you: But i do not want to accept such a thing sorry.
you: I would rather pay my debt
you: I love your game. Our cafe does too. People are crazy for this game and GTAV here.
you: WOW already makes me earn enough money. People are communicating and having nice friendships here.
you: BTW, instead of dota we are waiting for your dota-type game. Warcraft heroes or something like that.
GM: I see it as your payment shouldn't have been declined by our payment investigation people, but this is a one off. If it does happen again, we would have to undo the character transfer.
you: Beg your pardon, could not understand this?
you: but this is a one off. If it does happen again, we would have to undo the character transfer.
GM: heroes of the storm
you: yes.
GM: Ok, normally for a declined payment by our payment investigation department, we have to send the character back to the original realm/account for you to try the transfer again.
you: okay.
GM: But as this is the first time this has happened and it does seem like a mistake by the payment investigation team, instead I am just unlocking the character. So you don't have to re-do the transfer.
GM: So technically it's free this time.
you: Thank you for your generous offer. But as i said, i am really willing to pay for my accoun.
you: account0
you: account* sorry could not type.
GM: hehe, it's ok. Don't worry about it!
you: I am not a type of this person normally. Here in my cafe, i offer people their drinks. But thank you then. I will just go and deliver whole the cafe a drink and will say "This is from Blockaarg."
you: I can not think anything else.
GM: That is a really nice gesture! *hugs*
you: No, no... It is you who is nice.
you: Thanks again. Now i can start formatting my upper floor
GM: I am very glad I could help
you: Thanks again. Have a nice day. Wonderful person
GM: I hope you and all of your friends in the cafe have a very good day! (I play both horde and alliance
See ya *waves*
you: /wave!
Now do you understand that the main thing is your IP address? Yes, i agree and maybe they check something else too but the main thing is your ip address. The main reason why you can't (my words do not interest the people who do not get banned) bot 5-6 accounts together. They admit it themselves and say, "The reason looks to be something to do with how many different accounts your IP address has been logging into. Normally when an IP address logs into this many accounts it means that it is bot farmers, rather than legitimate players."
So, even buying some accounts from the same ip FLAGS you.
By the way, this was something i discovered accidently on live chat. My friend had a rogue that i wanted to buy, so to transfer it to a newly purchased account, i spent some money from my credit card.
The reason i quit the game is my guilds were deleted. So no need to struggle for this game anymore.
Thank you Buddyteam. Thank you every developers, Botanist, FPSWARE, Tuanha etc...
Who knows? Maybe someday in somewhere again. This world is sooooo small
P.S. If you are botting hardcore, never ever BOW to anyone. If you got a mail like "I know you are botting etc." BETTER GET BANNED OTHER THAN BOWING. Saying this as an owner of the story above and as someone who made his millions banned and "re farmed" them again.
Everything has a compensation, other than DEATH.
Kind Regards
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Final Stable Release
3)If so, when was the last time?: 09.01.2014 23:04
4)What profile were you using?: Private Pick-Pocket
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default
6)What plugins are you using?: Private Pickpocket Plugins and Logmeout
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: Many
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? %5-10 maybe
9)How many auctions per day did you have?: None
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No
11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Sold gold with other accounts
12)EU or US realm? EU
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid
2 72 hours banned pickpocket rogues. But the bad thing is they erased my guilds. (Yes, they did not ban the accounts which are connected to those guilds but they erased the guilds instead)
Now the story begins.
Thanks to buddyteam, i discovered this tool around 2 years ago. Since then, i have become a big botter who extended slowly.
I have been hit in 2 big waves, the date of which i can't remember right now but the two real waves they were. (Guess in 2012 and 2013 May) Lost around some millions (including mats in Guild Banks) but did not mind of course.
I have sold millions and millions gold. At 2011, i was back from army (before that never botted) and was out of employ. Many many thanks to Buddy Team that i could make a living for myself, my familiy and even marriage. (Explanation at the end)
This form is more a "Thank you" letter to all the designers, community developers and the people who supports this tool with their fabulous ideas, works. I always wished that i could be one of these developers like fpsware, kickazz etc. but i could not due to being so busy as a gold farmer and in my real life and due to being a dumb who does not understand anything.
This tool, as i explained above, made my family and me make a living more than expected. I was an old reseller of that mighty "Pr3cious" in my country for gametimes, about which i should have listened Bossland. In one of his topics he had explained that these gametimes were fraud and Blizzard did not have automation system to check who really bought RAF or not. But the reality was so hard. After diablo3 (which was bought via 12 months gametime promise and which was used to be sold by RAF gametime dealers) was blown away by blizzard i could finally understand that i made a terrible mistake and as i said, i should have listened Bossland. Here is the link; http://www.thebuddyforum.com/genera...pre-paid-cards-vs-raf-gold-trading-print.html But, i could even pay those raf gametimes back which were erased, thanks to honorbuddy. I did, because the ones who i bought the gametime from were not even trying to cooperate. All they did was to put a "disclaimer" on their front pages and say "There is a disclaimer there. Why do not you read it?" What if you did not lie and put that disclaimer before trying to convince me to sell those times in my country and calling them as "safe" gametimes? (By the way, later on i learned how to do that too, but i never ever used this method because RAF promotion is something Blizzard earns money and if you do not pay their money and exploit it, IT IS CALLED STEALING) Good old days, honorbuddy was even enough to make me pay those golds and bucks back.
As i already mentioned, after coming back from army, i discovered this tool. Before army, my family's financial situation was bad. I helped them (like every other adults should do) to make a living because we were 6 people and noone was able to find a work at that time. That's why i can't even tell how this tool helped me in my bad days. That's why this is more a Thank you letter rather than flaming like others and insisting this tool is not good anymore. (Wrong, because Blizzard is more clever right now) Before army, i had withdrawn a large credit debt from the bank which i could not pay. My financial situation over the bank was now bad as well, and even if i wanted to withdraw again, they would never let me do. (Blacklisted) Thanks to that tool, through paypal to my bank, there were too many transfers and the bank offered credit themselves due to the amount of transfers. (LOL?) With the money i withdrew finally i was able to make a marriage. (Of course i laid up some money by selling gold apart from credit)
This story, believe it or not a very very lived story by me. I will never ever forget the moments i could go and do my home's shopping and my mother's crying when thanking to me. Thank you buddy team. You really deserve more than this. Thank you for helping me on my black days, and even saving my blacklist status.

The second reason i am writing this form which i never ever did before, that i want to help as much as i can when typing my final words.
Lately, as far as i could follow the forums, many people wonder how they got caught. Many people, especially big gold farmers who used to farm gold 7/24 blame buddyteam.
No, it is not so. For about one week ago, i made a chit chat with a GM. Here it is.
GM: Hello there! How are you today?
you: I am fine until i saw you! Hey you are orc peon! HOOOORDE!
you: Kidding. I am very fine thank you. How are you faring?
GM: Orc Peon? My avatar should be the cinder kitten :S I'll have to get that looked into.

GM: I am glad to hear that you are good. I am doing well thank you

you: Actually i have a big big issue about my newly purchased account which i transferred my old character into.
GM: Ok, so you transferred a character from a different account and now you can't log into the character?
you: Yes.
you: But was able to play for 2-3 days. Yesterday i was playing again and bum
you: Can't log in now.
you: I purchased an account for only this character and to keep myself seperate from my irl friends, as i do not want to play with them but keep my privacy and do not want them know this.
you: They are too heartbroken so easily so i do not want to neither break their hearts or leave this game.
GM: Ok, give me a few mins to have a look please.
you: okay
GM: Right so I can see that our payment investigation team declined your character transfer payment.
you: Why? :S
GM: The reason looks to be something to do with how many different accounts your IP address has been logging into.
GM: Normally when an IP address logs into this many accounts it means that it is bot farmers, rather than legitimate players.
you: But i have an internet cafe and normally always having here.
GM: So they are quite picky, when that happens.
you: And my cafe runs mmo games generally
GM: That would explain why.
you: But will i have to buy 2-3 more ips as i am running an internet cafe?
you: there are 10s of stundents and people who is playing wow daily here.
GM: I understand. I am just checking into what I can do to fix this for you this time.
you: it is ok waiting.
you: Btw, if you are only doing this for ip what can i do?
you: Because i do not want to get in trouble here. As i said, my internet cafe is capable of many games and wow is just one of them and the most important one.
GM: Sorry for the wait there.
you: It is okay.
you: As i said i am running a cafe, in any case someone calls and not waiting.

GM: Technically as the payment was declined (e.g. cancelled) you haven't paid for the character transfer any more. But as a one off I am only unlocking the character, rather than moving it back to the original account and making you re-do the transfer.
you: So what will my next course of action be?
you: I mean will i be able to pay and play?
GM: The character is unlocked, so you can play.
GM: You won't need to pay, this time

you: But i do not want to accept such a thing sorry.
you: I would rather pay my debt
you: I love your game. Our cafe does too. People are crazy for this game and GTAV here.
you: WOW already makes me earn enough money. People are communicating and having nice friendships here.
you: BTW, instead of dota we are waiting for your dota-type game. Warcraft heroes or something like that.
GM: I see it as your payment shouldn't have been declined by our payment investigation people, but this is a one off. If it does happen again, we would have to undo the character transfer.
you: Beg your pardon, could not understand this?
you: but this is a one off. If it does happen again, we would have to undo the character transfer.
GM: heroes of the storm

you: yes.

GM: Ok, normally for a declined payment by our payment investigation department, we have to send the character back to the original realm/account for you to try the transfer again.
you: okay.
GM: But as this is the first time this has happened and it does seem like a mistake by the payment investigation team, instead I am just unlocking the character. So you don't have to re-do the transfer.
GM: So technically it's free this time.
you: Thank you for your generous offer. But as i said, i am really willing to pay for my accoun.
you: account0
you: account* sorry could not type.
GM: hehe, it's ok. Don't worry about it!
you: I am not a type of this person normally. Here in my cafe, i offer people their drinks. But thank you then. I will just go and deliver whole the cafe a drink and will say "This is from Blockaarg."
you: I can not think anything else.
GM: That is a really nice gesture! *hugs*
you: No, no... It is you who is nice.
you: Thanks again. Now i can start formatting my upper floor

GM: I am very glad I could help

you: Thanks again. Have a nice day. Wonderful person

GM: I hope you and all of your friends in the cafe have a very good day! (I play both horde and alliance

you: /wave!
Now do you understand that the main thing is your IP address? Yes, i agree and maybe they check something else too but the main thing is your ip address. The main reason why you can't (my words do not interest the people who do not get banned) bot 5-6 accounts together. They admit it themselves and say, "The reason looks to be something to do with how many different accounts your IP address has been logging into. Normally when an IP address logs into this many accounts it means that it is bot farmers, rather than legitimate players."
So, even buying some accounts from the same ip FLAGS you.
By the way, this was something i discovered accidently on live chat. My friend had a rogue that i wanted to buy, so to transfer it to a newly purchased account, i spent some money from my credit card.
The reason i quit the game is my guilds were deleted. So no need to struggle for this game anymore.
Thank you Buddyteam. Thank you every developers, Botanist, FPSWARE, Tuanha etc...
Who knows? Maybe someday in somewhere again. This world is sooooo small

P.S. If you are botting hardcore, never ever BOW to anyone. If you got a mail like "I know you are botting etc." BETTER GET BANNED OTHER THAN BOWING. Saying this as an owner of the story above and as someone who made his millions banned and "re farmed" them again.
Everything has a compensation, other than DEATH.
Kind Regards