OK stats are tricky there is a lot to be said for your play style and ilvl all to be taken into account
lets start with ilvl
below 550 FROST ONLY: you want a mastery build, everything you can into mastery regardless of haste caps because you get lots of icicle damage.
550-567ish Frost or Arcane depending on what you play best.
Your looking at mixed, mastery or hast build it depends on weather you can hit some caps.
MIXED BUILD: first one is haste to 37.52% thats +2 on your living bomb but if you can reach 50% haste with out reforging out of to much mastery then do so this would be a good all round build untill higher caps can be attained.
FULL HASTE: like it says on the tin everything goes into haste now you do not want to breaking socket bonus unless it is a small one or a stat u dont want but you will always want int bonus.
MASTERY BUILD: you would still want 37.52% haste and dump everything into mastery now if you have lots of raw haste you can still go for the 50% haste cap.
*NOTE* This is for frost spec BUT mixed build and mastery build are both very good for arcane only diff is for mixed build I would not go for 50% haste cap.
Also if you play frost some crit can be nice I like to run about 28% crit but for Arcane dont worry about crit at all.
Above 567+ All 3 spec's are close with fire pulling out ahead by a bit with lots of luck.
Fire spec: Bottom line 40%+ crit nothing else matters reforge everything into crit. I play fire with 50%+ crit do not like it below that but thats just my play style.
Now lets look at the builds and see what they are of use for. This is regarding frost spec.
1: FULL HASTE. this is a very fast paced and most tricky to handle but in return offers the best multi target performance.
2: MASTERY BUILD. Best for single target fights full stop tons of icicle damage on the move. A good build for THOK.
3: MIXED BUILD. best of both worlds and easiest spec to play. you get a minimum of +2 on your bomb with better icicle damage on the move.
Stat weights
Ok so we are all botters and we know it

but that doesnt mean we should not sim out toons, Learn to use simcraft and love it because askmrrobot stats are bad for mages and will only get in a general direction.
Frost is the only stats I can give for askmrrobot.
Mastery build: mastery 3.6, haste 3.38 and crit 1.0
Haste build: Haste 3.6, mastery 3.45 and crit to 1.0
Mixed build: Haste to cap 3.8, mastery 3.45, haste after cap 3.38 and crit to 1.0
I read some incorrect posts about bombs so i'll clear it up.
LIVING BOMB. best used for 1-2 targets
NETHER TEMPEST: 3-5 spread targets OR 2+ stacked targets
FROST BOMB: 5+ spread or 3+ stacked targets. this bomb often get overlooked because it can be hard to use but when skilled enough it destroys on fights like Galakras.
Ok so your prob wondering why I put more info for frost and I have 2 reasons
1: frost is the easiest spec to play if you need to take manual control.
2: Millz routine handles frost better that the other 2 specs. WHY? because with arcane it seems to strugle with dealing with keeping mana above 85% esp if you are on the move it cannot account for that and with fire spec there seems to be issue with ignite having to be pre setup. fire is on the fly and although combustion is a small part of our overall damage if you get a poor start your screwed.these are just the limitations of using a bot and not the routines fault.