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You have to start the installation routine inside the cava_plugin folder

Nope... same problem. Clean install - same result.

P.S. I have try CavaPlugin_Fix and CavaPlugin_Install_English.
Hey cava! I am having a problem running this. I can make the bot/profile/plugin working but only if i load a certain profile such as: [H-Quest](57-60)BlastedLands[Cava] from the script section but i cant run the Cava_Starter_Profiles . It's telling me : There is an error with the Cava Quest Behaviors or Profiles. I do have TortoiseSvn if it has anything to do with it but i can't see what. Here is the log:

Make New folder
re-install HB and CavaPlugin
start it, upload new log if still have issues
Cava, sorry for such many post, i forgot to upload a screenshot. Maybe you can help me, cuz i don't know what im doing wrong :(

English: [Compiler Error]: error CS1508: Resource identifier 'Lang.da.resources' has already been used in this assembly.

[EDITED 11-Jan-2014 by chinajade]: Removed image that contains personal information.
Hi Cava, just wanted to point this out. I made a thread about mount trouble here, it has a log attached but Ill attach one here aswell for you. It seems when I use your profile it auto selects the Armored Brown Bear(probs because its the first ground mount in my list) and tries riding that everywhere but gets stuck in doorways etc, I had tried changing the HB settings to get it to select diff mounts but had no luck. I just tried another profile and it picks out the mount I choose. Dunno if you are aware of it as a prob so just giving you the heads up :) Still wouldn't surprise me if I was doing something wrong though :)

profiles override your selected mount
for worgen profiles use: Swift Mountain Horse - Spell - World of Warcraft
Honorbuddy v2.5.9262.720 doesn't see CavaPlugin. Did anyone has same problem?

P.S. Error "Compiler Error: error CS1508" when i try to launch HB with CavaPlugin
Fixed at CavaPlugin 4.1.4
Thanks for reporting
Im confused...where can I put to 'no loot' ??? and its 1-90 or 1-72??? hahahaha

thx and sorry for my noobish!!!

Now I have a new quest Stuck...

Im at a quest with a dragon, and it was not flying only walking...but I have been stucked... I attached log

where can I put to 'no loot'
HB settings

and its 1-90 or 1-72???
1 to 72

and it was not flying only walking...but I have been stucked... I attached log
[15:52:34.276 D] Could not generate path from {-7952.799, -2509.91, 198.4153} to {-8395.82, -2785.71, 194.798} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[15:52:34.405 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn

Nav issues, not profile related, try move bot to land, near an know path etc
Cava, sorry for such many post, i forgot to upload a screenshot. Maybe you can help me, cuz i don't know what im doing wrong :(

English: [Compiler Error]: error CS1508: Resource identifier 'Lang.da.resources' has already been used in this assembly.
already fixed
Heemmm... sorry for dumb question - where we can download CavaPlugin 4.1.4 ver? :)
just restart hb. cavaplugin will auto update

if have any bug and cavaplugin cant run because that bug
run CavaPlugin_fix (this also autoupdate cavaplugin)
Thanx! It works for now! :)

There any way to automatically select leveling 1-90? Cuz Arelog start bot automaticaly, but there is a "window" with "job select" (like a select leveling category) :(
Thanx! It works for now! :)

There any way to automatically select leveling 1-90? Cuz Arelog start bot automaticaly, but there is a "window" with "job select" (like a select leveling category) :(
load Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml
and in CavaPlugin select 1 to 90
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but every time when im starting bot - it asks me to choose the "leveling category".

i forgot .............PRESS START (in CavaPlugin to save info and start bot)
i forgot .............PRESS START (in CavaPlugin to save info and start bot)

heh... Logically :) Maybe I did not properly configured / installed bot or a plugin, but I mean that I have to "PRESS START" in CavaPlugin everytime when im starting a bot :)
heh... Logically :) Maybe I did not properly configured / installed bot or a plugin, but I mean that I have to "PRESS START" in CavaPlugin everytime when im starting a bot :)

only first time, after that theres an 15 seconds countdown timer