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encountered a problem in un goro crater. he runs to an NPC named J.D. Collie and keeps trying to get a quest from him but he isnt giving out a quest. so he just stands there and keeps clicking on him and its not blacklisting the quest
1-log please

2- its a wow bug, if you are in guild ask to some1 in guild from diferent server invite you to party, pick quest from npc and continue
1-log please

2- its a wow bug, if you are in guild ask to some1 in guild from diferent server invite you to party, pick quest from npc and continue

yeah i just seen its a wow bug... the quest giver is in the ground...
Any idea why the bot is constantly retargetting the mob its trying to kill? I updated cava to 4.1.2 and it has been constantly targetting whatever mob its acting over and over like 20 times a second.
Any idea why the bot is constantly retargetting the mob its trying to kill? I updated cava to 4.1.2 and it has been constantly targetting whatever mob its acting over and over like 20 times a second.

whitout log, retargetting sounds like Combat routine issue, not profile issue
I botted a warlock from 1 to 70 the past few days and never saw the issue come up. I started a ret pally today and i see it constantly. I am just using the stock routines.

Here is a piece of the log file. The original is a little over 7 megs so i couldnt upload the whole file.

I am pretty sure it only happens when the character aggro's more than one target as in when it goes into mines or caves where mobs are densely packed. It just seemed odd that it would just spam trying to target a mob while killing it.


This is by far the best Quest level plugin ever ive been using honbuddy for 1 year now and this is the best great work cava! 1 - 65 in 1 and a half days
I botted a warlock from 1 to 70 the past few days and never saw the issue come up. I started a ret pally today and i see it constantly. I am just using the stock routines.

Here is a piece of the log file. The original is a little over 7 megs so i couldnt upload the whole file.

I am pretty sure it only happens when the character aggro's more than one target as in when it goes into mines or caves where mobs are densely packed. It just seemed odd that it would just spam trying to target a mob while killing it.
try use diferent CR maybe that works better with paladin
Okay, encountering an error again. I lost the log, so you can hate me if you want. But this is a problem that comes up a lot. HB will say "Moving to hunting grounds 'hunting ground center" and then just remain there. The character does not do anything so what happens is that I get logged out.

This has happened on a lot of different quests. I'm sorry that I don't have exact information but is there a reason why the bot takes me to the "center" and then stays there when it doesn't find anything to kill/loot/do?
I have had the problem happen to me as well. I just tend to stop and restart the bot, but I also keep track of my bot with buddycon and teamviewer with my phone.
When I restart usually it just goes back into the "Center of hunting area" bug. And if I'm high enough level for the next area then it takes me to the next area. I'm fine with going to the new area because it will give better experience, but I'd prefer if I didn't have to interrupt the bot.

I check in with my bot every two or three hours when I'm away with teamviewer and I've caught the bot stuck and what a couple of times. But when I run into the error mentioned above I have to wait until I get to my PC to fix it since it requires a bit more.

What is strange though is that most quests have a "hunting ground" and it only stops on certain quests. I went from 35-43 without any problems today then it stopped in the middle of the Eastern Plaguelands during a quest. I restarted the bot and it moved me to Tanaris.

I am leveling a Troll Druid. My friend is leveling a Blood Elf Paladin and his HB has been non stop questing from 1-28 without problems. During those levels I had a lot of stopping problems. Getting stuck at a quest giver, bot shutting down due to full bags when I had 5+ slots left. Maybe it's just the way Trolls work?

I'm in the process of modifying your scripts to ignore level checks so I can use them for Loremaster on a level 90. I think a lot of people would find this useful, so let me know if you'd like me to share the scripts when I'm done.

One question.... is there a way to force use of a flying mount? (Not just running on the ground with a flying mount.... actually flying... particularly on quest pickup / quest turnin functions)
Kudos to you C3018T. I'll be modifying these or doing personal fixes once I get a couple characters through the profiles. I'm very new here and can already see how easy it is to make profiles, its just making ones these long is very time consuming. Thanks again Cava for the hard work, I'm doing my best to help when and where I can. :)
I had this issue. it was due to the Routine i was using. i switched to singular and it worked fine.

I have been using Singular since level 1. I literally just downloaded Superbad 4.0 for my Druid and I'm seeing how it goes.
Okay, encountering an error again. I lost the log, so you can hate me if you want. But this is a problem that comes up a lot. HB will say "Moving to hunting grounds 'hunting ground center" and then just remain there. The character does not do anything so what happens is that I get logged out.

This has happened on a lot of different quests. I'm sorry that I don't have exact information but is there a reason why the bot takes me to the "center" and then stays there when it doesn't find anything to kill/loot/do?
'hunting ground center

isnt a profile bug related, its a HB issue, wait till next rev to be fixed
When I restart usually it just goes back into the "Center of hunting area" bug. And if I'm high enough level for the next area then it takes me to the next area. I'm fine with going to the new area because it will give better experience, but I'd prefer if I didn't have to interrupt the bot.

I check in with my bot every two or three hours when I'm away with teamviewer and I've caught the bot stuck and what a couple of times. But when I run into the error mentioned above I have to wait until I get to my PC to fix it since it requires a bit more.

What is strange though is that most quests have a "hunting ground" and it only stops on certain quests. I went from 35-43 without any problems today then it stopped in the middle of the Eastern Plaguelands during a quest. I restarted the bot and it moved me to Tanaris.

I am leveling a Troll Druid. My friend is leveling a Blood Elf Paladin and his HB has been non stop questing from 1-28 without problems. During those levels I had a lot of stopping problems. Getting stuck at a quest giver, bot shutting down due to full bags when I had 5+ slots left. Maybe it's just the way Trolls work?
Getting stuck at a quest giver

stop/shutdown bot
clean cache

start bot
Thanks for the replies! Please never think that I am complaining! I don't want to come off that way, I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong haha.

I'm in the process of modifying your scripts to ignore level checks so I can use them for Loremaster on a level 90. I think a lot of people would find this useful, so let me know if you'd like me to share the scripts when I'm done.

One question.... is there a way to force use of a flying mount? (Not just running on the ground with a flying mount.... actually flying... particularly on quest pickup / quest turnin functions)
good luck with that, but you will need help bot alot

for your information, the profiles i release to public have alot less quests than what i originaly wrote, because some quests cant be done by this bot , some quests need bot do less damage, some quests need bot do specific tasks, and some need human eye/hand.
because i want bot do that all AFK that quests and all chains attached are removed, at end when you remove the level check you will allow bot to do more quests, but... maybe bot will be to strong for handle next quests in next profile, remember some quests bot need use itens while fighting with mobs if bot is too stroge will kill mob before use item

is there a way to force use of a flying mount?
after level 60 all profiles are scripted to use fly, before that no, theres no point because bot are under level 60 and cant fly

you can add Nav=Fly" to all pickup/turnin do quest parts but will need test and watch line by line if that works
OK my log now.

use cavaplugin to start mining/blacksmithing profile

or use PB bot and load right profile

[09:52:40.707 N] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites... for sure will not work