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11 accounts banned 3 of them a legit account mains.


New Member
Mar 5, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Questing , geatherbuddy2

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: 704

3)If so, when was the last time?: 7 days ago

4)What profile were you using?: Kicks 1-90 ,Gatherbuddy 5hours profile all over panda

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular

6)What plugins are you using?: Autoequip and antidrown , bothaven manager plugins, mritemremover2 profile reverser v1.2, talented2,avoidplayers, logmeout, geather helper.

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 8 to 10 hours not everyday

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 60-70%

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 500 or more sometimes.

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

12)EU or US realm? EU

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid account.

We hand running 3 for geatherbuddy herb/mine , 3 questing , 2 of them selling in auction house in dalaran for 6 to 10 hours depend on days and I invite them on other server each one of them so no one can target them .

We are group of friends raid and play together at my house, I got big room with 4 pc of my and my brother and nephews and my friends bring their pc or laptops when they come .

The 3 legit account 2 on 1 battle.net wow 2 and wow 3 wow 2 my I only craft on it gems ect and sometimes I use tsm destroy for prospecting with auto mouse clicker.
Wow 3 is pure legit never done anything but to raid 2 nights a week high ilvl 569 8/14 hc progress.

And anther account the 3rd one is even under same owner name also legit no bots or anything but I use only crafting gems ect and I buy a lot of golden lotus and fix ah gems price I spend 50k to 100k each day doing that.
the 3rd account got banned for Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy,

But the wow 2 and wow 3 in same battle.net got , Your account was permanently suspended due to usage of third party software and these accounts were banned due to breaches of our policies , on there replays to my ticket.

I only want to help my brother get his wow 3 back he done nothing he got banned for it and he really care about his account . since 7 days his been fighting keep explaining he has nothing to do and they still keep replaying .\

As you have already been informed, these bans will not be overturned and your accounts will remain closed.

We will not be looking to discuss this further.


I have reviewed this issue in detail but sadly the decision remains in place. Both of these accounts are banned and will not be overturned.

So id like a help from anyone who could explain or give some tips please how to prove that account was not boting or doing anything it just got involved from connecting same internet.

we try unbanned service letter but still fighting and not helping .
All the botters who got banned has random name of the friend with honorbuddy 1 user key for 12 bots.
the 3 legiet account has owner real name has nothing to do with botters.
Here is the reason in my opinion friend...[/COLOR]
No those 2 accounts or atlest 1 of them been since 1 year and 2 month ago he been selling over 1500+ items . and this account has nothing to do with legit account . I only need tips on how to get my legit account back and it was never banned before.
I only need tips on how to get my legit account back and it was never banned before.

Not valid tips for that, it depends a lot on the blizzard person who is assigned to your case, be honest/sad strategy sometimes found, sometimes its better pretend you dont care, maybe too its better give some time before fight, like I say you it depends a lot on who you're trying.

Otherwise, If im honest, you're fucked, this bans usually are perma, because the catch you all... with more than 500 sales, 11 accounts.. for they means you are a big economy xploiter, would be different if they only catch you 1-2 accounts, with less sales like a "Amateur botter" can forgive it, maybe... but in your case I see kinda hard make something good there, anyway GL
Not valid tips for that, it depends a lot on the blizzard person who is assigned to your case, be honest/sad strategy sometimes found, sometimes its better pretend you dont care, maybe too its better give some time before fight, like I say you it depends a lot on who you're trying.

Otherwise, If im honest, you're fucked, this bans usually are perma, because the catch you all... with more than 500 sales, 11 accounts.. for they means you are a big economy xploiter, would be different if they only catch you 1-2 accounts, with less sales like a "Amateur botter" can forgive it, maybe... but in your case I see kinda hard make something good there, anyway GL
ty will try that and see.
As I dont bot at all since like 1,5 year I just came here to see if anyone got similar problem as I do.

Anyway in my case it was 100% legit gold trade with my polish friend. My brother made a guild by signing charter on his battle.net by his 5 accounts and took gold from 2 of my friends that owned me 120k and 160k - I gave them it before I quit. He put gold into the guildbank and also logged my account and join guild on it.

Next day all 6 accounts, including mine that never did anything "wrong" (if trading gold with friends is a meaning of wrong behawior), was banned. I am trying to get this acc since a week but its rly hard, as I see only 1 GM replying or canceling it.

Anyway friend that gave me gold is great and he decided to make ticket on his own account to help me. His ticket is already open for 48 hours + so he called blizz to ask whats going on. He heard that special GM team is looking into this case and he will hear from them soon. I just hope he wont get banned together with us, as GM of big guild he risks a lot.
Well the legit wow which had wow 2 and wow 3 banned there was wow 1 also was frozen and didn't get banned coz it was not active. 2 days ago I put prepaid and was playing normal.
last night they banned that one with email...

I am waiting for your next ticket I told u yesterday we follow as normal and u said email me.

On the same battle.net I have wow 1 which was frozen I put time 2 days ago and last night they banned that wow also I got email from them .

Account Action: Account Closure

Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.

Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program / Involved into botting activities with multiple other accounts.

Account Action: Account Closure

Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.

Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program / Involved into botting activities with multiple other accounts.

Was my worse idea to have play on the same internet . are they tracking my ipp address or internet show how or should I go and get me new internet to play normal and start anther account . I know my name target willing to use my brother or sister name this time I only play legit game and my brother still going to go hard on booting and my nephews .

Should they use any program like lowerping ,wtffast or pingbuster to hide them for not tracking the normal ipp address any tips of which I should use to hide the botters so I don't get risk in future on my legit accounts ???
Here is the reason in my opinion friend...[/COLOR]
yes i agree it get u flags fast 500 its to much auctions ,plus 8 to 10 h botting its to risk u should bot like 4 to 5 something like that ,plus dont send big quantity of mats with post it get u flaged too use guild bank if that helps
Why does a person have 11 accounts and theyre "not selling gold" ?
We need the gold for our self mostly 2 of my nephew 14 years and 15 years old spend a lot on black-market mounts on other servers.

Still can someone help me with some tips, I am willing to buy new account with close ilvl and heroic progress.. I will have a anther name maybe on my big brother or my friend.
I will pay well for it but I don't want risk that will I get banned for it also . is my ipp tracked some how by blizzard or I will be safe to use it on this one ????
We need the gold for our self mostly 2 of my nephew 14 years and 15 years old spend a lot on black-market mounts on other servers.

Still can someone help me with some tips, I am willing to buy new account with close ilvl and heroic progress.. I will have a anther name maybe on my big brother or my friend.
I will pay well for it but I don't want risk that will I get banned for it also . is my ipp tracked some how by blizzard or I will be safe to use it on this one ????
There are no guarantees..
try first with a battlechest , level it up and see if it gets banned. if not then you're clear on the "ip flagged" area.
Then there is always the risk of getting the bought account locked (different login pattern such as IP,Location,PC).
Make sure you get all the info/security answer and a scan of the owner's ID in case blizzard locks the account and asks for owner's verification.

And before all of that, it would be wise to change the ip if you have a static one (call the isp and see how it's possible).
Try clearing the WoW registery enteries as well (it's somewhere on these forums)
change your mac address (i use a program called TMAC, no idea what the alternatives are)

If after all that your battlechest managed to level up without getting banned "too soon", then you're probably safe from any "flagging" and it's just the usual ban chance for using bots!
There are no guarantees..
try first with a battlechest , level it up and see if it gets banned. if not then you're clear on the "ip flagged" area.
Then there is always the risk of getting the bought account locked (different login pattern such as IP,Location,PC).
Make sure you get all the info/security answer and a scan of the owner's ID in case blizzard locks the account and asks for owner's verification.

And before all of that, it would be wise to change the ip if you have a static one (call the isp and see how it's possible).
Try clearing the WoW registery enteries as well (it's somewhere on these forums)
change your mac address (i use a program called TMAC, no idea what the alternatives are)

If after all that your battlechest managed to level up without getting banned "too soon", then you're probably safe from any "flagging" and it's just the usual ban chance for using bots!
Thanks a lot for some helpful tips will do try it right away .
Hi again, I just got my new internet modem/router for my main normal account only and the old internet for home family and bots. I was curious about the default gateway or ip address on both are separate connection why dose it show same number on default gateway? mac address is different I change that for my old internet for each pc and laptop and I will use ***** and ***, just to make sure blizzard wont see both connection as 1 and if anything happen they will banned all accounts?

What could I do more to have my main account other then separate connection separate pc what eals ??
i think your main acc gots banned cuz you shared gold form the bot acc to main
i think your main acc gots banned cuz you shared gold form the bot acc to main
that, or in any other form you have been sharing/trading with the other account.

If you are really 100% sure they have not, and I mean, really really 100% sure, than the only solution is to admit you have botted but that your brothers account have not, and never had touched any of the dirty gold or items/ore/herb what so ever, and ask them to review this.

If your brothers account did touched any item/ore/herb/gold from your bot account, than I am sorry but he's screwed.
he said he bougth tcg mounts. so if they check your acc you are fucked. sry to say but i do not see many chances for you

that, or in any other form you have been sharing/trading with the other account.

If you are really 100% sure they have not, and I mean, really really 100% sure, than the only solution is to admit you have botted but that your brothers account have not, and never had touched any of the dirty gold or items/ore/herb what so ever, and ask them to review this.

If your brothers account did touched any item/ore/herb/gold from your bot account, than I am sorry but he's screwed.
Yeah for what I see now I don't have any chance they don't trust any word I say, But maybe i try again in few month its 100% wow 1 and wow 3 has nothing to do with wow 2.
i bought a new account now so what i was asking about not to get in that problem again and how to avoid it ?

I got my new internet modem/router for my main normal account only and the old internet for home family and bots. I was curious about the default gateway or ip address on both are separate connection why dose it show same number on default gateway? mac address is different I change that for my old internet for each pc and laptop and I will use ***** and ***, just to make sure blizzard wont see both connection as 1 and if anything happen they will banned all accounts?

What could I do more to have my main account other then separate connection separate pc what eals ??

Is there a way to change ur default gateway ??