Mistweaver Monks builds, talents and glyphs (PvP) - World of WarcraftHello! can someone link or post a MW PVP build and glyphs that he is using? i mostly do arena 2vs2 3vs3.. i just wanted to know.. what is the best build for TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience
Updated to new Honorbuddy 2.5.8461.698
same questionTuanha, do we enable Framelock in the new HB?
Do we enable it in Tyrael? Which should we use now?
Which do we disable?
Tuanha, do we enable Framelock in the new HB?
Do we enable it in Tyrael? Which should we use now?
Which do we disable?
Per Tyraels last update:
Basically Tyrael's framlock has been removed. Adjusting it will adjust the built in HB one instead.Tyrael no longer has frame lock. It uses honorbuddys now.
bobby53(lazyraider developer) said that;
1 - Settings & Tools - controls system wide Framelock usage imposed by HonorBuddy
2 - Bot Config - controls bot level Framelock wrapped around its logic and calls to Combat Routine behaviors
3 - Class Config - controls Framelock usage within only the Combat Routine in a way that varies routine to routine
if it is true tyrael latest update is wrong...
New Rev:We need a special healing priority for the Malkorok fight:
During the shield phases, the shields should be given the priority in the following order:
Weak Ancient Barrier - SpellID 142863
Ancient Barrier - SpellID 142864
Strong Ancient Barrier - SpellID 142865 (NO HEALING NEEDED ON THIS ONE)
If there are none of the debuffs listed above on someone they should be healed as normal.
Enable it in Honorbuddy (Settings & Tools > General Tab > Check Use Framelock)I'm a bit confused too, is it ideal to enable framelock or have it diabled now?
Hello guys am having a problem with my monk when I'm in the arena or bg catch a fatal error and leave the game have all the more special ves?o cc of this error only happens with my monk.
I wonder if that's going on with somebody else?