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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

man i hope you update this routine real quick. My guild can't wait to start with 5.4 and they depend on my super duper mistweaver, too bad i don't even know how to play the class lol

lol :d ^^.

Raid leader: thang bro please come raid with your super healz monk
Thang: I can't, i don't feel to well

HB for 5.4 releases

Thang: ok i am much better!! ;D.

PQR is the solution until HB and the new CR's are released.
hello friend tuanha!! can we plz get update for 5.4 boss: Immerseus will need "Contaminated Puddle" to be added as a heal target much like Tsulong was.
lol :d ^^.

Raid leader: thang bro please come raid with your super healz monk
Thang: I can't, i don't feel to well

HB for 5.4 releases

Thang: ok i am much better!! ;D.

PQR is the solution until HB and the new CR's are released.

Same boat... I'm "working out of town" for the next few days...guh... I should probably learn my class...but I've used HB for so long...I'd have quit WoW so long ago if I had to do everything by hand.
I play my Main by hand, so I have one toon that I know how to play... properly... others... all HonorBuddy, lol.
hello friend tuanha!! can we plz get update for 5.4 boss: Immerseus will need "Contaminated Puddle" to be added as a heal target much like Tsulong was.
There a list of target entry already that only 1 line of code.

Just give me his Entry.

Same boat... I'm "working out of town" for the next few days...guh... I should probably learn my class...but I've used HB for so long...I'd have quit WoW so long ago if I had to do everything by hand.

my account is frozen and im waiting for my timecard seller.. xd
I'm using PQR kuuku Brewmaster profile until HB is up ... sad though -- it seems faster than Tuan's brewmaster profile but Tuan's seems to have better logic for added survivability and add threat awareness --- I MISS MY MONK PROFILE TUAN!
I'm using PQR kuuku Brewmaster profile until HB is up ... sad though -- it seems faster than Tuan's brewmaster profile but Tuan's seems to have better logic for added survivability and add threat awareness --- I MISS MY MONK PROFILE TUAN!
Not sure new update PQR for my CR faster because there are huge list of performance optimization xD

BTW don't push HB staff, they are working hard on coming release and we all know the "force client run 64 bit" by Blizzard in this patch make devs a big headache...
Not sure new update PQR for my CR faster because there are huge list of performance optimization xD

BTW don't push HB staff, they are working hard on coming release and we all know the "force client run 64 bit" by Blizzard in this patch make devs a big headache...

There is no "force 64 bit". This is a false information. Just delete / rename the WoW64.exe.. :)
Who makes a good mistweaver profile for pqr btw?

Can I ask what is so good about PQR? It seems like our profiles are better here and HB is better in general. HB did say that they would have a beta out tomorrow, so not sure why you would want to take a look or use PQR....am I missing something?
Can I ask what is so good about PQR? It seems like our profiles are better here and HB is better in general. HB did say that they would have a beta out tomorrow, so not sure why you would want to take a look or use PQR....am I missing something?
Yeah, you can use it now. ;)
Can I ask what is so good about PQR? It seems like our profiles are better here and HB is better in general. HB did say that they would have a beta out tomorrow, so not sure why you would want to take a look or use PQR....am I missing something?

don't hold your breath! They always take a while to get things sorted out - if you can afford to wait for rotations - great! If not - pqr is nice
Who makes a good mistweaver profile for pqr btw?

deadpanstiffy makes a really good profile for mistweaver on PQR. There's two options to choose from fistweave/mistweave. its a really good alternative to TUAN's. I use it whenever honorbuddy is down or when I need to strictly just fistweave for a fight. I also always have it readily available to start just incase honorbuddy crashes during a fight (which happens every now and then). but TUAN's is still overall better for healing purposes!
Can I ask what is so good about PQR? It seems like our profiles are better here and HB is better in general. HB did say that they would have a beta out tomorrow, so not sure why you would want to take a look or use PQR....am I missing something?

PQR is head n shoulders above all when it comes to DPS profiles imo
There a list of target entry already that only 1 line of code.

Just give me his Entry.


sorry i'm not really sure what that means, but some users are trying to get it implemented on a mistweaver PQR profile, so far I only see something like: (by user Kw3r)

First try on Immerseus.

Edit PQR_SIN_HealBot.lua:

1) Add after the code for Tsulong:
Code:if UnitExists("target")
and UnitName("target") == "Contaminated Puddle" then
tinsert(SIN_roster, { unit = "target", hp = SIN_UnitHP("target"), role = "PUDDLE" })

2) Edit SIN_HealTarget to:
Code:if not SIN_HealTarget then
function SIN_HealTarget()
local SIN_roster = SIN_roster
for i = 1, #SIN_roster do
local unit, hp, role = SIN_roster.unit, SIN_roster.hp, SIN_roster.role
if UnitIsUnit(unit, "player") and hp <= 20 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "TANK" and hp <= 25 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "HEALER" and hp <= 15 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "PUDDLE" and hp <= 99 then
return unit, 40, role
return SIN_roster[1].unit, SIN_roster[1].hp, SIN_roster[1].role
local Color = {
["HUNTER"] = "abd473",
["WARLOCK"] = "9482c9",
["PRIEST"] = "ffffff",
["PALADIN"] = "f58cba",
["MAGE"] = "69ccf0",
["ROGUE"] = "fff569",
["DRUID"] = "ff7d0a",
["SHAMAN"] = "0070de",
["WARRIOR"] = "c79c6e",
["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "c41f3b",
["MONK"] = "00ff96",
local target, HP = SIN_HealTarget()
local _, class = UnitClass(target)
PQR_Event("PQR_Text", UnitName(target) .. " (" .. math.floor(HP * 10^1+ 0.5) / 10^1 .."%)", 3, Color[class])

You have to target the "Contaminated Puddle".

dont know if that helps you at all!!!