There a list of target entry already that only 1 line of code.
Just give me his Entry.
sorry i'm not really sure what that means, but some users are trying to get it implemented on a mistweaver PQR profile, so far I only see something like: (by user Kw3r)
First try on Immerseus.
Edit PQR_SIN_HealBot.lua:
1) Add after the code for Tsulong:
Code:if UnitExists("target")
and UnitName("target") == "Contaminated Puddle" then
tinsert(SIN_roster, { unit = "target", hp = SIN_UnitHP("target"), role = "PUDDLE" })
2) Edit SIN_HealTarget to:
Code:if not SIN_HealTarget then
function SIN_HealTarget()
local SIN_roster = SIN_roster
for i = 1, #SIN_roster do
local unit, hp, role = SIN_roster
.unit, SIN_roster.hp, SIN_roster.role
if UnitIsUnit(unit, "player") and hp <= 20 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "TANK" and hp <= 25 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "HEALER" and hp <= 15 then
return unit, hp, role
elseif role == "PUDDLE" and hp <= 99 then
return unit, 40, role
return SIN_roster[1].unit, SIN_roster[1].hp, SIN_roster[1].role
local Color = {
["HUNTER"] = "abd473",
["WARLOCK"] = "9482c9",
["PRIEST"] = "ffffff",
["PALADIN"] = "f58cba",
["MAGE"] = "69ccf0",
["ROGUE"] = "fff569",
["DRUID"] = "ff7d0a",
["SHAMAN"] = "0070de",
["WARRIOR"] = "c79c6e",
["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "c41f3b",
["MONK"] = "00ff96",
local target, HP = SIN_HealTarget()
local _, class = UnitClass(target)
PQR_Event("PQR_Text", UnitName(target) .. " (" .. math.floor(HP * 10^1+ 0.5) / 10^1 .."%)", 3, Color[class])
You have to target the "Contaminated Puddle".
dont know if that helps you at all!!!