Hello Tuanha,
First of all I want to thank you for this CR, it's really amazing work. I do, however, have a suggestion for improvement. I'm currently playing in top 15 2v2 in my battlegroup using your CR, going 35-0 to 2.1k rating only a few days ago and I have been in top 15 with a resto druid, MW monk and a holy paladin. Anyway, I find one major way the CR can improve, since playing against priests is a pain in the ass when I'm spreading diseases. Often, when sitting on a good priest, I can't find myself keeping pressure due to him having Prayer of Mending jumping between him and the dps on me. It heals for shitloads and makes it too easy for the priest to live - and living against a dk for a priest shouldn't be easy. Is there any way to include this in the CR to not spread diseases vs. priest-teams?