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You got Banhammered? READ HERE!


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
Okay guys. I read the threads for a week now.
As many of you guys know, XGamerX has made a stupid stream of a Botting session.
Now here is what happened:
XGamerX got about 30 accounts which ALL got perma banned.
They called him XGamerX on the Phone!
He started a new Account which got BAN-HAMMERED too so he was trying to get a new IP.

So what i want to tell you?

Follow these Instructions for much safer Botting!

1.)Get a good *** - not a Public one because many are using them - if one gets banned, the others will follow.
2.)VMware, Virtualbox, Virtual PC - there are many Solutions to virtualize. Yes , it sucks but Blizzard is allowed to check RAM and interacts with WoW.exe, thats why HB-team has now changed the Name "HAX.lua" to WoWui.lua
3.) If an account gets banned - kill the Image of VMware and better install it new - B.Net Updater has been changed too so you don?t know which evil blood is now on your Computer.
4.) Don?t let your computers ALONE..
5.) Don?t bot 24/7 and STOP using it in PVP - you can always be recognized as a bot in instances or BG by simply being tank.
6.) take some time and write some bullshit into the Tradechannel /Guild - that looks more realistic.
7.) Activate Tools for Easier use for windows. Since Blizzard can check Processnames, they will check if you have handicaps, an person without handicaps wouldn?t use "ClickToMove".

With these hints, you can extend the Life of these accounts much more!
7.) Activate Tools for Easier use for windows. Since Blizzard can check Processnames, they will check if you have handicaps, an person without handicaps wouldn?t use "ClickToMove".

What a stupid fucking statement, people have been using click to move for like 15 years. I started gaming in FPS and MMO so I was not as accustom to it as some others but many people that played Diablo 2, Diablo 3, SC2, LOL, DOTA, DOTA2, HON, SC1, any RTS, including warcraft series would probably have been very used to using click to move.

It is more likely that a noob from another game (or a young teen or old person) would use click to move plus keybindings than to use WASD to move and click their spells.
Tinfoil hats.... VMWare is either proven to not work or not proven to work.
V_P_Ns might get the job done, but they also might not. Who knows who used that IP before you? Is it better to have your acc permabanned for botting or permalocked for ID?
Don't appeal for a while. They are running a special offer on bchest + expansions, and lots of kids have holidays from school atm so they wanna play. Put 2 and 2 together - they are just gauging at people's addiction to the game right now. To see if getting banned will lead to people buying a new acc right away because there's a sale. Obviously they won't be positive towards any appeals as long as the sale runs, but Im quite certain that they'll start unbanning people as soon as the sale ends. The banwave should also end by that time.
I mean, this is activision blizzard we're talking about here - they aren't just doing this to improve the game experience.
Ha ha ha

One of the best theorys i've read in awhile
its not a fucking theory.

and if you are walking around like forever with normal move and then always change to clicktomove then its a b it suspicious. And if you download a simpe fucking programm which checks , which files are used and injected , then you will see that WoW injects in windows processes
but okay - don?t believe me, get your ass banhammered too.
But don?t you come here cry like a little baby, that you lost your stupid account and blizzard is so evil.
its not a fucking theory.

and if you are walking around like forever with normal move and then always change to clicktomove then its a b it suspicious. And if you download a simpe fucking programm which checks , which files are used and injected , then you will see that WoW injects in windows processes
but okay - don´t believe me, get your ass banhammered too.
But don´t you come here cry like a little baby, that you lost your stupid account and blizzard is so evil.

I dont see why click to move would not be added to a check list of suspicousness.. I dont think it is any one thing in particular; however if someone plays 8+ hours a day most days a week with click to move, and only gathers if I was blizzard I would check them.. but that is just my train of thought.
I dont see why click to move would not be added to a check list of suspicousness.. I dont think it is any one thing in particular; however if someone plays 8+ hours a day most days a week with click to move, and only gathers if I was blizzard I would check them.. but that is just my train of thought.

when I play legit I use click to move as well. Because fuck holding W key, that's why.
its not a fucking theory.

and if you are walking around like forever with normal move and then always change to clicktomove then its a b it suspicious. And if you download a simpe fucking programm which checks , which files are used and injected , then you will see that WoW injects in windows processes
but okay - don´t believe me, get your ass banhammered too.
But don´t you come here cry like a little baby, that you lost your stupid account and blizzard is so evil.

i've botted for around 3 year with ctm on, maybe a bit longer through pirox and i've had one ban in a archeology banwave, when playing normally i dont use it

i've used it for months on end, none stop botting conqueror in bgs, gathering things when i need extra money to buy things, grinded my way to almost 250k hks, 60 exalted reps, many 90 alts, full honor gear for them all. Last alt i got full honor gear for was 3 days ago (anything grindable ingame tbh)

All you're giving here is a theory, a theory back upped by absolutly nothing, blizzard don't give 2 shits if you only have 1 arm and i have no idea why you think they'd put man hours into research wether you're handicapped or not when it would be much easier just to lock down the account in 5 seconds and be done with it. They're a gaming company, not the f.b.i

The only one crying is you because i laughed at your theory and i'd like to add, you'd never see me crying here, bans happen, i wouldn't even post a ban notice because its inevitable that it'll happen sometime and you posting random rubbish wont stop it.
Thread was legitimately entertaining. Beware botters, use colorblind mode when botting, appeal bans claiming discrimination against handicapped. More news at 11.
Thread was legitimately entertaining. Beware botters, use colorblind mode when botting, appeal bans claiming discrimination against handicapped. More news at 11.

You simply get it wrong.
i don?t say that if you are using clicktomove because of handicap you get banned.

If you fag are using the whole day the normal movement keys and go to sleep and then always CLICKtoMove is on its suspiciuos. and what you ALL forget is:

Have you ever tryed clicking in mid air?
FIND THE FAIL and then come back and tell me i am an idiot again.