[N] Wyrmhorn Turtle - Pools of Purity (Motes, Turtle Meat, and skinning profile)
Hello everyone, this is my first time writing a profile, I completed it yesterday and tweaked things/tested it for quite a while. I wasn't going to release it because I thought there would be lots of these types of profiles, but I saw a post by a user in a different thread asking for it, so here it is.
The Raw Turtle Meat can sell for quite a bit in some servers, I won't post the exact price because it will vary, but in mine they sell for 80g/stack and you will be farming a lot, not to mention the Motes, blues, and greens, and can be amazing for skinning.
It will vendor/repair/send mail to your mail recipient. Make sure you set the bot to Questing mode.
I appreciate any other requests and feedback, thank you! Post any problems you have and I will fix them.
^ enjoy.
Hello everyone, this is my first time writing a profile, I completed it yesterday and tweaked things/tested it for quite a while. I wasn't going to release it because I thought there would be lots of these types of profiles, but I saw a post by a user in a different thread asking for it, so here it is.
The Raw Turtle Meat can sell for quite a bit in some servers, I won't post the exact price because it will vary, but in mine they sell for 80g/stack and you will be farming a lot, not to mention the Motes, blues, and greens, and can be amazing for skinning.
It will vendor/repair/send mail to your mail recipient. Make sure you set the bot to Questing mode.
I appreciate any other requests and feedback, thank you! Post any problems you have and I will fix them.
Can you just make a profile that runs the turtles / mushan Directly East of the Pools of Purity in Valley?? If i knew how to write a profile I would; but that area for Turtles / Mushan that respawn almost instantly is so much better than this area.
^ enjoy.
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