I recently finished prospecting a whole lot of GIO, and noticed something about the rare gems. After prospecting 161 stacks of GIO, I got:
Those are the common gems, and there's not a lot of variation, only 18,9% deviation between Alexandrite and Roguestone, which is okay with this sample size. Then I looked at the rare gems:
Now, there are almost no Vemilion Onyx. The difference between those and Primordial Ruby is 126,66%! That's a lot. Even with the lowest, Imperial Amethyst, we're still at 80%, which is still too much. Something I've also noticed about Vermilion Onyx, is that it is the most expensive gem, usually at around 50-60 gold, and the others around 30-35 gold. I'm not sure if the price has to do with the quantity in circulation, the droprate has to do with the quantity circling or both. If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be great.
- 152 Tiger Opal
- 143 Alexandrite
- 170 Roguestone
- 148 Sunstone
- 145 Lapis Lazuli
- 144 Pandarian Garnet
Those are the common gems, and there's not a lot of variation, only 18,9% deviation between Alexandrite and Roguestone, which is okay with this sample size. Then I looked at the rare gems:
- 15 Vermilion Onyx
- 29 Wild Jade
- 27 Imperial Amethyst
- 28 Sun's Radiance
- 29 River's Heart
- 34 Primordial Ruby
Now, there are almost no Vemilion Onyx. The difference between those and Primordial Ruby is 126,66%! That's a lot. Even with the lowest, Imperial Amethyst, we're still at 80%, which is still too much. Something I've also noticed about Vermilion Onyx, is that it is the most expensive gem, usually at around 50-60 gold, and the others around 30-35 gold. I'm not sure if the price has to do with the quantity in circulation, the droprate has to do with the quantity circling or both. If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be great.