Regardless, DO NOT BOT right now......... They seem to be flagging accounts and PREPARING for an imminent mass ban... even if this particular "server data" error is NOT a ban.... yet
live by the bot, die by the bot.
Regardless, DO NOT BOT right now......... They seem to be flagging accounts and PREPARING for an imminent mass ban... even if this particular "server data" error is NOT a ban.... yet
when you bot expect this to happen... then just create new account and bot on that too... its not like you put effort on this. imagine all the legit players out there ACTUALLY sitting/moving outside during day/night. I have a VPN in my computer IDK if it actually works, but I change my IP to the location I'm teleporting. VPN set to NY = Teleport to Central Park =P
TotalVPN Premium + PokeFarmer I've had the VPN for awhile I figured its a bit safer if your IP is actually at the location you have your PokeFarmer work...