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WOW botting project


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hi my name is Krys and I am attempting to go from 1 to 85 using honorbuddy with little to no interfearance from me as possible.

Im going to be documenting this on a blog feed and a youtube channel, giving non bias views on the ethics of botting and wether its worth it or not, along with my level progress and weekly video log covering the weeks events.

The Blog is located at: The Wow botting project

I don't really care about the ethics of botting. All I know is without botting I probably wouldn't be playing at all any more. Botting keeps me interested. And it keeps my paying Blizzard. Doing anything by hand is stale and boring, and got old really, really fast with the mindless repetition.

I will say, though, that I believe without botting that the AH prices for mats would be through the roof and there be less of them. Anyone who is going to spend the time to farm mats by hand to sell on the AH isn't going to sell them cheaply, isn't going to spend a great deal of time doing it, and won't have near as many. Then people would be QQ'ing about the prices of mats and how they can't find any on the AH. The 40-60g stack of whatever that you see now would suddenly be about 400-600g most likely, or maybe even more.
I don't really care about the ethics of botting. All I know is without botting I probably wouldn't be playing at all any more. Botting keeps me interested. And it keeps my paying Blizzard. Doing anything by hand is stale and boring, and got old really, really fast with the mindless repetition.

I will say, though, that I believe without botting that the AH prices for mats would be through the roof and there be less of them. Anyone who is going to spend the time to farm mats by hand to sell on the AH isn't going to sell them cheaply, isn't going to spend a great deal of time doing it, and won't have near as many. Then people would be QQ'ing about the prices of mats and how they can't find any on the AH. The 40-60g stack of whatever that you see now would suddenly be about 400-600g most likely, or maybe even more.

I agree with your statement, I feel that botters dont always ruin the game and even bring players back, if anything they may provide a welcome boost to the economy. There are also down sides aswell but I will talk about them more on the blog.
WOW and blizzard has adapted to the botted economy. Ore and herbs is basically sold only by botters. Virtually nobody gather stuff by hand to sell at the AH, what sometimes happens is people gathering stuff to craft things, but farming by hand to sell at the AH is simply not productive.

Imagine that if by miracle all bots disappeared, then blizz and WOW would have to adapt to a botless economy, af first there would be no ore or herbs at the AH, and prices of them + crafted materials would skyrocket. Then blizzard would gradually adapt the recipes to use very few ore and herbs, what would make them to be needed in a very lower demand then now, and farming to sell at the AH, as well as buying crafted materials at the AH would be profitable. I believe that a stack of elementium would cost like 250g, but it would be needed a lot less of it to craft the same stuff.

That is my imaginative thinking... :)
I've seen people attempt this before but Blizzard will find that toon very fast and ban the account unless you plan on doing this on a private server.
WOW and blizzard has adapted to the botted economy. Ore and herbs is basically sold only by botters. Virtually nobody gather stuff by hand to sell at the AH, what sometimes happens is people gathering stuff to craft things, but farming by hand to sell at the AH is simply not productive. Imagine that if by miracle all bots disappeared, then blizz and WOW would have to adapt to a botless economy, af first there would be no ore or herbs at the AH, and prices of them + crafted materials would skyrocket. Then blizzard would gradually adapt the recipes to use very few ore and herbs, what would make them to be needed in a very lower demand then now, and farming to sell at the AH, as well as buying crafted materials at the AH would be profitable. I believe that a stack of elementium would cost like 250g, but it would be needed a lot less of it to craft the same stuff. That is my imaginative thinking... :)
Well im taking every precaution to not get caught, for example im only going to be releasing the video log after the project is completed and as for my blog status updates they are going to be delayed by sevral hours so that where I was a few hours ago isnt where I am now and obviously ill not be posting any kind of logs or screenshots unless fully edited.