Hehe, not really. Maybe you have read thread, where its explained to not bot right away after you obtain battlechest, because you will be hit very fast.
It seems Blizzard are very tight atm on the just-created-accounts, and they trigger them autoban for almost nothing.
For nothing I mean, doing something from the below in the 1st week of account creation (or similar period, we will never know for sure):
- Extensive time, spent online
- Powerlevel characters to lvl 80 or more in hours or 1-2 days.
- Gather herbs for more than several hours
- Flooding AH with more than (again who-knows-howmany) auctions!
- ...
I guess the list is longer
And thats just autobans, means you will be hit with 72h or Permanent Closure, and you need to appeal to get it removed, if the GM is not lazy-enough to actually check the logs and examine if you have botted or no.
So, just play it safe in the begining.