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wow account got banned after 3 day's of use


New Member
Dec 30, 2013
World of Warcraft - License Banned

so at first i had trouble with my bot and though it was the bad. then i got help from the amazing support team and they got my bot working like a pro. i was getting 240-280 herb/ore hotspot a hour. well now i just got banned on my wow account after only using it 2 hours a day for 3 day's. i was using the bot at random time and watched it every time it was running. no idea what i did wrong :( anyone know if their is a way to get your wow account back? this was my first time getting a ban for anything.
Well I assume that you used Gatherbuddy2 which is a very high banrate, you could try to contact Blizzard and tell them the truth sometimes when you got a cool GM they just unban you. But my tip: don't use Gatherbuddy, you'll lose your account very quickly.

And 1 golden rule: when botting you WILL lose your account, the question is not if, but when.
don't use gatherbuddy2? then what do i use????

Fill the ban template please, it could answer lots of questions, which could triggered the ban on your account.
You should post the ban email too - with masked personal information too, ofc!
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
Honorbuddy 2.5.9088.718
3)If so, when was the last time?:
1 am thursday.
4)What profile were you using?:
Spazys Super Highway
5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
bm hunter
6)What plugins are you using?:
7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
2 hours
8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
haven't posted anything on ah
10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
12)EU or US realm?
13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
actual paid account

Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use

This page contains details on how suspensions are appealed and reviewed:

Blizzard Entertainment
GOOD NEW'S. just got done talking to a game master over at blizzard.

"Hey there!

The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft. Due to the accumulation of previous infraction, as well as the above infraction, this World of Warcraft license has been reviewed for closure. After review, we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be closed. However, a 72 hour license suspension has been applied.

After conclusion of the current suspension, any further infractions of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use may result in permanent termination of game license access. During the remainder of the suspension, please review the World of Warcraft Policy section at https://battle.net/support/article/100644.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us: http://www.battle.net/support/ticket/submit

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter."
What did you say to the GM for them to switch your perm ban to 72h suspension just curious.
i didn't say anything. i just open a ticket saying "How to Appeal Suspensions and Closures" and then a game master reply to me with the message that i posted up above.
just in case it wasn't clear, if you use gatherbuddy2 YOU WILL GET BANNED. 2 hours per day for 3 days is enough. in order to make any sort of reasonable gold you have to do more than that, so the ban is a guarantee. the only thing you did wrong is not be aware of that, but the honorbuddy team does a pretty good job hiding the fact that using their bot for mining / herbing is a guranteed account loss.

use the bot CAREFULLY while OBSERVING IT, for things like BG honor farm, archeology, running LFR, farming timeless isle, leveling alts via quests, etc. dont fly around herbing/mining. those days are gone.
no i knew you would get banned it it just about when it would happen. but to get banned that fast like wtf. i ran shadowbot back before they shut down and they were the best bot i ever use. i never got banned on any of my account and i was mining.herb 16hours every day of the week..
i think it is because they used wasd to move around and this bot use click to move. huge no no. wasd move more undetected unlike click to move. now to find a wasd bot to do my gathering...
just in case it wasn't clear, if you use gatherbuddy2 YOU WILL GET BANNED. 2 hours per day for 3 days is enough. in order to make any sort of reasonable gold you have to do more than that, so the ban is a guarantee. the only thing you did wrong is not be aware of that, but the honorbuddy team does a pretty good job hiding the fact that using their bot for mining / herbing is a guranteed account loss.

use the bot CAREFULLY while OBSERVING IT, for things like BG honor farm, archeology, running LFR, farming timeless isle, leveling alts via quests, etc. dont fly around herbing/mining. those days are gone.

While I understand it can be cause for ban, I've been using gatherbuddy2 for over a year now, never had a ban. Just don't be stupid about it. Don't use a one zone profile, don't leave your bot unattended, avoid areas with too many other people, and keep an eye for other farmers. Not really hard as long as you pay attention.
GOOD NEW'S. just got done talking to a game master over at blizzard.

"Hey there!

The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft. Due to the accumulation of previous infraction"

I think I see something here...
i have started a new fresh account and with all the tips i have gotten i will be trying this again. best of luck to me and hopefully i can post in the success stories next time :))

Account Name:
Realm: Black Dragonflight
Character Name:

A user of the above account has recently been involved in actions deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. This decision was made after a thorough investigation of the situation as a whole.

When a harassment report is made, all players involved in the incident are subject to review, which may result in account penalties. Though we are unable to discuss the outcomes of our investigations due to privacy concerns, rest assured that this incident has been looked into very thoroughly, and the appropriate actions have been taken on all involved accounts.

Any disputes or questions concerning the following account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/cs .

Account Action: Account Closed

Offense: Unapproved Third Party Software

A third party program is any file or program that is not a part of the World of Warcraft software, but is used to gain an advantage in the game, such as increasing your movement speed or teleporting from one place to another beyond what is allowed by game design. It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player or that transmit or modify any of the game files. Normally, this classification does not include UI modifications, except those UIs that require an external application to function. Any external applications that are used in conjunction with World of Warcraft can cause quite a few unwanted side effects. Some of the major possible results of the use of third party programs can be instability of the game to the point that a player "crashes" from the game quite often. External programs can also be used to transmit viruses, spyware, and other unwanted programs into a player's computer. Third party programs can
also be used to obtain information from the player's computer, such as account, password, and personal information.

Details (Note - Times are listed in Greenwich Mean Time, GMT):

For further information, please view the World of Warcraft Policies and Terms of Use Agreement: (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309) and (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use). Please be aware that additional inappropriate actions may result in further disciplinary action, up to or including account closure.

We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but they are in place to ensure that every player is able to fully enjoy their travels in the World of Warcraft. Thank you in advance for respecting our position.


Blizzard Entertainment
well now... i don't know what happened..... my toon only made it to level 22 then account got banned... was leveling though questing.
2nd account was linked to first account and was deactivated since last summer. first thing i did was took some mats out of guild bank sold it on trade chat to make some quick g for level. then rerolled a fresh troll druid. now this is where i sit with two banned account's :/ guess you will get caught botting every time doesn't matter how safe you are.
2nd account was linked to first account and was deactivated since last summer. first thing i did was took some mats out of guild bank sold it on trade chat to make some quick g for level. then rerolled a fresh troll druid. now this is where i sit with two banned account's :/ guess you will get caught botting every time doesn't matter how safe you are.

Thats not really true. From talking to a GM they look for certain activities like having herb/mining on a druid is just asking to be permabaned. Or herb/mining in general. And you botting on a linked account that was just reviewed for botting means they are watching your battle.net account overall. Not just the one account.

I use the bot alot like 90% of me playing wow is using the bot. I use it to mine to transmute alc (looks less like a bot when your selling 10 stacks of something vs 200 stacks every day) I have been running it for the past 8 hours farming in timeless isle. You need to balance botting with real actions. So bots for 6 hours then have it do some pvp or quest or timeless grind. Doing raids as your self and non bot activities helps. Talking over general to people with questions or in guild while botting.

The best defense to being banned is to make your self look like a HC player. They will farm for hours but like any player afks or stopping to smelt your ore is a good idea. Also don't bot on your suspicious account for awhile and for while i mean a couple weeks. If you want to make a bot account open a new battle.net account and do it there. Dont be a druid with only farming skills. Herbs are worthless in MOP anyways ore/transmute or herb/mill/transmute is a much safer way to bot.
i do balance botting with real actions on the second account. i was questing while i was waiting for random dps que which i did my self and bot for quest. my druid was only level 23 when second account was banned. the second account was on a whole different battle.net account but they were linked by raf that i did a long time ago for mount. i will try making a fresh account not link to any of my other account but it going to be a while till i can do this. i will then roll a druid and try this one last time before i give up on botting. i think someone reported me for botting and that how i got caught in the first place. a guild member was talking to me on vent and i knew he bot so i talked to him about him botting then he asked if i bot and i didn't answer him. the next day at 4:21 am is when i got a email saying i got caught botting. well i will be back to report when i try my last attempt. so now good luck and don't don't get caught doing what i did :P