I am posting this because in the past two weeks I encountered the following problem.
I am not sure if my approach is correct that's why I am looking for other people to share their opinion on this matter.
I own several botting accounts, and often in the past two weeks , I received whispers from other players "BOT BOT BOT" "are you botting?" "reported" and all the usual crap.
I supervise my accounts close to 100%, we are two people monitoring the accounts almost 100% of the time. I always reply to whispers manually, and engage in conversations if needed.
Now the problem:
After a bit of research, all these reporters are BOTTERS themselves, I mean its so obvious and clear that they are botting aswell and trying to ruin the competition... They have caracters with 2 gathering proffesions, 1k achievements (in best cases), recently dinged chars (not more then 4-5 months), usually pvp geared 70% at least and so on. There are so many "triggers" to detect them, and when u combine all its more then obvious. When u also receive messages like "dude, its clear you use click to move, like **** bot" . Well come on... how stupid can u be to say that. Its obvious you have been using these kinda programs yourself. And you are a botter also...
Of course most accounts got banned via direct GM bans *not the usual economy bans* because they start to investigate manually the reports. The ban came on one acc that was botting for max 10 days, always supervised and botting ~14h / day with 2 or 3 breaks in this time.
Now my question for you is: Should I also report these guys or shouldnt I ?
At this point I am 90% for reporting them (I have their char names saved, I had a "hunch" that this will turn bad. So what do u guys think , should I spare them or should I return them the "favour" ?
I am pretty sure, most of the people who do such things are also reading this forum. So for all you **** who report us and are botting yourself, all I have to say is that I will be returning the service.
So next time u report a botter , when YOU are also botting , think twice, because it might be your ass on the line next. We are not stupid!
And to clear all things, I never report other botters, even if I see one going on almost the same path as me.
BUT! if you whisper me and you tell me basically that you bot also and that you will report me, I WILL turn back the favour. I am saving all logs, and whenever I get banned because of another botter, I will report that person myself, and I wont do one ticket, I will do a dozen from different accounts, to be sure you will get the same treatment.
I guess this is revenge, might be stupid or not, but I feel like someone needs to post this. It might aswell be me, please dont get offended by the thread.
I want to report these persons (2) who also reported me. Do you think I will be doing the right thing?
P.S. at this time, when I am writing the ticket, I havent reported anyone yet. I just want to see how the community feels about this issue.
I am not sure if my approach is correct that's why I am looking for other people to share their opinion on this matter.
I own several botting accounts, and often in the past two weeks , I received whispers from other players "BOT BOT BOT" "are you botting?" "reported" and all the usual crap.
I supervise my accounts close to 100%, we are two people monitoring the accounts almost 100% of the time. I always reply to whispers manually, and engage in conversations if needed.
Now the problem:
After a bit of research, all these reporters are BOTTERS themselves, I mean its so obvious and clear that they are botting aswell and trying to ruin the competition... They have caracters with 2 gathering proffesions, 1k achievements (in best cases), recently dinged chars (not more then 4-5 months), usually pvp geared 70% at least and so on. There are so many "triggers" to detect them, and when u combine all its more then obvious. When u also receive messages like "dude, its clear you use click to move, like **** bot" . Well come on... how stupid can u be to say that. Its obvious you have been using these kinda programs yourself. And you are a botter also...
Of course most accounts got banned via direct GM bans *not the usual economy bans* because they start to investigate manually the reports. The ban came on one acc that was botting for max 10 days, always supervised and botting ~14h / day with 2 or 3 breaks in this time.
Now my question for you is: Should I also report these guys or shouldnt I ?
At this point I am 90% for reporting them (I have their char names saved, I had a "hunch" that this will turn bad. So what do u guys think , should I spare them or should I return them the "favour" ?
I am pretty sure, most of the people who do such things are also reading this forum. So for all you **** who report us and are botting yourself, all I have to say is that I will be returning the service.
So next time u report a botter , when YOU are also botting , think twice, because it might be your ass on the line next. We are not stupid!
And to clear all things, I never report other botters, even if I see one going on almost the same path as me.
BUT! if you whisper me and you tell me basically that you bot also and that you will report me, I WILL turn back the favour. I am saving all logs, and whenever I get banned because of another botter, I will report that person myself, and I wont do one ticket, I will do a dozen from different accounts, to be sure you will get the same treatment.
I guess this is revenge, might be stupid or not, but I feel like someone needs to post this. It might aswell be me, please dont get offended by the thread.
I want to report these persons (2) who also reported me. Do you think I will be doing the right thing?
P.S. at this time, when I am writing the ticket, I havent reported anyone yet. I just want to see how the community feels about this issue.