So, this is just a word of advice from what I saw last night.
Figured I would get a few more honor points before the servers went down for maintenance.
Queue up for Isle of Conquest, get in there and the game starts.
Thing is though that 80% of our team was bots. Since the bot goes to where the most people
are going they all stood in front of the gates. Since I was watching I was able to just
move both my characters around and take care of it that way. So, I guess my point is I would be
careful about BgBuddy before server maintenance as it seems like that's the time you are most
likely to be reported when botting in bg's. If this is common knowledge then sorry. Just
figured I would throw it out there for the people who obviously did not know as I
did not realize it either.
Figured I would get a few more honor points before the servers went down for maintenance.
Queue up for Isle of Conquest, get in there and the game starts.
Thing is though that 80% of our team was bots. Since the bot goes to where the most people
are going they all stood in front of the gates. Since I was watching I was able to just
move both my characters around and take care of it that way. So, I guess my point is I would be
careful about BgBuddy before server maintenance as it seems like that's the time you are most
likely to be reported when botting in bg's. If this is common knowledge then sorry. Just
figured I would throw it out there for the people who obviously did not know as I
did not realize it either.