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WoD included in normal wow now - Viable way to make money selling gold?


Jan 15, 2010
So now that WOD is included in the normal WoW purchase, is it possible to make a fresh account for $20 or whatever it is, and actually make enough gold to make a profit selling gold before the 30 days is up?

If it is, what would you guys say is the best thing to make gold on a fresh char? Which class is typically considered the most effective for farming gold? Thinking druid for the flight form-gathering, assuming that still works.

Checked guides but the most recent one I found is from 2013, doesn't really apply anymore.
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Dont know how it is in the USA but in Europe u create a new account, login, start wow, make a char, close wow, restart wow and u get a offer for about 7,50€*

//Edit: Price
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Dont know how it is in the USA but in Europe u create a new account, login, start wow, make a char, close wow, restart wow and u get a offer for about 10-14€..

You can buy a battlechest for 10 euros on g2a , i consider it a cheaper way for buying gold. You can farm 200k gold for 30 days and it only costs 10 euros.
Laden der Transaktionsdetails zu
Blizzard Entertainment SAS
PayPal-Zahlung per Händlerabbuchung
-Minus 7,50

that was my battlechest.. original on battle.net

so i guess its a bit cheaper than 10€
i guess it depends on what youre heading to do..

but druid.. of course.. great class with nearly everything you need..

botting 24/7.. started yesterday, now lvl 72.. (without RAF) with Shadow Priest

//Edit: added class