a quick question i own already all package of tuanha all routines of millz when legionbuddy comes out do we need to rebuy the routines or do we get all routines for free when buying legionbuddy?
You Will get one routine for your class for Free, any other classes/specs you have to addon separately(pay for these). Legionbuddy will be completely separate to Honorbuddy, and thus any purchased routines won't be transferable.
so i can choose witch one routine i want for free like tuanha for arena or millz? also how do i purchase lb because it isnt on the frontpage?
Firstly you can't purchase Legionbuddy currently, it is in early access phase, i.e. Alpha, and is only available to those who have access to Legendary forums, which is i think a $200 subscription. Once it is released i am sure that the purchase will be very similar to the purchase of other buddybots.
With regards to the routines, my understanding is as follows..
If you play Destro Lock and Holy paladin, you can buy a Destro Lock Routine which works for both PVE and PVP, but to play the Holy paladin you would have to purchase the Hpaly routine.
The routines won't be under the same name, they will be class based and work for both PVE and PVP. Tuanha/Millz and others are just developing the routines, not branding them.
Yes, they would work in bothok and they wil work in arena/pve aswel like the old hb?
Yes, they would work in both
Say you bought the Destruction warlock routine, this would have options that would make it functional in both pve and pvp.