Unanswered? Read this thread dude. The forums are unorganized and you're lazy, that's the real problem. So here, let me hold your hand and give you some links as a courtesy. (I would also like to note that the majority of these links can be found on the first page of most of the sub forums)
To start, here is a link for a thread that sxowe was kind enough to get going with the currently best available profiles(found on page one of the main Demonbuddy forum):
Additionally, here is a plugin that's pretty neat. It's called 'EZUpdater'(found on sticky post of Trinity forum) ->
This keeps your Trinity/Questtools fresh as well as includes some great profiles by rrrix like his Rift profiles which have been working pretty much 100% since day 1.
Here are two profiles for Act 1 bounties
A1 by xdzy is probably 95% afkable. Same with WiN's modification of the Community Bounty Profiles. (found on very first page of Act 1 profiles, currently the top link)
or this
For Act 4 bounties, this one is currently working fine (100% afkable for me, though a bit unoptimized - found in main Profiles forum)
Here's a keybot that's working. Requires some tinkering and a downgrade, but it works.
(found on the profiles forum)
These are pretty much your only options right now for functional profiles that don't require an obscene amount of babysitting. This same thing happens with every new patch. I don't know what you're on about a "lack of support" and "what did I buy", the devs had an update out what, day 2 of the patch? Or was it day 1? regardless, they were damn quick. When you purchased this bot, you are getting exactly what you paid for and the bot is maintained and works just fine. The problem is plugins/profiles which are provided BY VOLUNTEERS IN THE COMMUNITY. Most of the big volunteer devs have moved on to other things, yet there are still members of this forum working their asses off trying to deliver better profiles for the community and they have to put up with whiny children like you every fucking day posting on the forums "give me candy! give me candy!". No wonder devs aren't sticking around. I'd be disheartened as well if my contributions to the community were taken as greedily as this.
I deeply apologize that your personal profile catering service has seen a minor delay and I sincerely hope we can get this resolved for you as expediently as possible. In the meantime, please enjoy this rant have have some god damned patience.