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With no profiles that work what did we buy. three seasons of nothing?


New Member
Mar 9, 2015
Demonbuddy is a great bot when it works but there is no longer any support and I cant write a script so I paid for nothing it appears. Since it does not work will we get a refund? This is a case of buyer beware
There are working profiles for any needs. If you can't find one, post exact questions.
Jesus Christ. Patch 2.2 brought a lot of changes to the game and the profile makers are working hard to fix everything.

Have some fucking patience.
Well I have new version installed and nothing works best is the rift but it is regularly going on after the rift guardian arrives. A4 bounty works 80% and all the rest just get stuck.
I see all the posts asking for help with no answers so I'm not alone.
D3 has half the scripts fixed and I get an update once or twice a day, like this bot better but cant use it anymore. Why can they fix two profiles a day and here nothing?
>Have some fucking patience.

Just because you bitch and moan doesn't mean their going to work faster. You wanna get xp or legendaries? Play the game and wait for something to show up.
Install the beta version of DB, yes bounties are still buggy as hell, but every single other script works just fine, the only exception is both rrift, and rift bot get stuck on the new cow king rift, where you have to click the shit to spawn waves of cows
>Have some fucking patience.

Just because you bitch and moan doesn't mean their going to work faster. You wanna get xp or legendaries? Play the game and wait for something to show up.

I made some donations in an effort to get someone working for those of us who cant make profiles, attempted to enlisted others to do the same.
My only regret is the 100.00 dollars I sent to some of the guys for nothing. You must work for demonbuddy and not platy diablo that's why you don't care.
Bot working pretty steady, Heres a rule about D3/demonbuddy in general. Every major patch like 2.2.0 which overhauled new sets/skills/maps/bounties are bound to break the bot for a while til people get stuff up and working again, they cannot just snap their fingers and fix it in a second or a day just like that. When you get DB working with a profile you like, SAVE IT, DO NOT CHANGE IT, DO NOT CHANGE THE SETTINGS AROUND TO LOAD ANOTHER PROFILE. USE MULTIPLE DB FOLDERS FOR DIFFERENT PROFILES.

for instance:
a DB rift bot folder
a DB bounty folder
a DB key folder

each one, deciding upon what you run. the settings are pre-fixed, 100% working as you would have tested it and watched it go through to make sure. Too often I see people setup their DB bot, load up a rift profile, change the settings around to how it should be for rifting. then load a bounty profile and wonder why its less effective/slow or just doesn't plain work half the time.

Right now I have a working rift bot(albeit kills RG and repeats, I prefer full rift clears as it saves on fragments and gives more LPH/exp. the other rift bot with a full clear is broken atm)
as well as a bounty bot folder. Both work just fine, You know what I did? I tested, I watched. I didn't download every new trinity, QT, profile update the second it was released and delete the old stuff and load the new. I didn't immediately update from release .401 to .402 or .403 because for all I know it would have just broken my bot i KNEW was working fine. You have to do these things as tests, when the bot gives u a chance to update. you click NO(new patches generally don't give updates, you have to dl a new DB all together because of new offsets entirely or what not) just copy your current db folder to another place, then update it to the latest version it says, THEN run the bot and see how it works. Too often have I read people going "oh well I updated to the latest DB release or beta and now XXX profile or XXX thing is broken wahh my bot doesn't work"
I made some donations in an effort to get someone working for those of us who cant make profiles, attempted to enlisted others to do the same.
My only regret is the 100.00 dollars I sent to some of the guys for nothing. You must work for demonbuddy and not platy diablo that's why you don't care.

You and everyone should just take a big fat chill pill, sit back and relax a little -- either we wait for someone to make profiles so we can leech or we start putting some effort into learning how to make the profiles/plugins and whatnot ourselves..

We bought the bot, the bot works we just have to supply it with our desired profiles.

Currently running DBbeta.build 517, with Trinity 2.6.7 / Questtools 3.3.12

And farming A4 bounties / A1 Bounties, Trial/Normal and Greater rifts, so in way i cannot really complain.

I know they're working on improving trinity, and once thats of a less priority there will be movement on the questing profiles along with other profiles, so for now we gotta rely on the community as a whole to provide if we want something done now! :)

And trust me your donations have most likely been very welcome, and if made to someone that actually are among those working like horses, you've done us all a favor.
Keep up the spirit!!! to me it seems we are on the right road to getting what we all want so bad :)
Funny because, all of my profiles are working, its even using regular potions. I even found a WizardCombat.cs that uses Slow Time properly with Delsere's, I have no clue what the OP is complaining about. Must not have the latest DB / Plugins.
Anyone reading these posts knows what they are fighting with this bot, you can proclaim all is well even as the calls for help remain unanswered.
Anyone reading these posts knows what they are fighting with this bot, you can proclaim all is well even as the calls for help remain unanswered.

Unanswered? Read this thread dude. The forums are unorganized and you're lazy, that's the real problem. So here, let me hold your hand and give you some links as a courtesy. (I would also like to note that the majority of these links can be found on the first page of most of the sub forums)

To start, here is a link for a thread that sxowe was kind enough to get going with the currently best available profiles(found on page one of the main Demonbuddy forum):

Additionally, here is a plugin that's pretty neat. It's called 'EZUpdater'(found on sticky post of Trinity forum) -> https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/trinity/152028-ezupdater-plugin-updater.html
This keeps your Trinity/Questtools fresh as well as includes some great profiles by rrrix like his Rift profiles which have been working pretty much 100% since day 1.

Here are two profiles for Act 1 bounties
A1 by xdzy is probably 95% afkable. Same with WiN's modification of the Community Bounty Profiles. (found on very first page of Act 1 profiles, currently the top link)
this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...dventure-mode-bounties-community-edition.html
plus https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...ofiles/adventure-mode/211610-a1-bounties.html

or this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...ommunity-edition-bug-fixes-4.html#post1909455

For Act 4 bounties, this one is currently working fine (100% afkable for me, though a bit unoptimized - found in main Profiles forum)

Here's a keybot that's working. Requires some tinkering and a downgrade, but it works.
(found on the profiles forum)

These are pretty much your only options right now for functional profiles that don't require an obscene amount of babysitting. This same thing happens with every new patch. I don't know what you're on about a "lack of support" and "what did I buy", the devs had an update out what, day 2 of the patch? Or was it day 1? regardless, they were damn quick. When you purchased this bot, you are getting exactly what you paid for and the bot is maintained and works just fine. The problem is plugins/profiles which are provided BY VOLUNTEERS IN THE COMMUNITY. Most of the big volunteer devs have moved on to other things, yet there are still members of this forum working their asses off trying to deliver better profiles for the community and they have to put up with whiny children like you every fucking day posting on the forums "give me candy! give me candy!". No wonder devs aren't sticking around. I'd be disheartened as well if my contributions to the community were taken as greedily as this.

I deeply apologize that your personal profile catering service has seen a minor delay and I sincerely hope we can get this resolved for you as expediently as possible. In the meantime, please enjoy this rant have have some god damned patience.
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Unanswered? Read this thread dude. The forums are unorganized and you're lazy, that's the real problem. So here, let me hold your hand and give you some links as a courtesy. (I would also like to note that the majority of these links can be found on the first page of most of the sub forums)

To start, here is a link for a thread that sxowe was kind enough to get going with the currently best available profiles(found on page one of the main Demonbuddy forum):

Additionally, here is a plugin that's pretty neat. It's called 'EZUpdater'(found on sticky post of Trinity forum) -> https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/trinity/152028-ezupdater-plugin-updater.html
This keeps your Trinity/Questtools fresh as well as includes some great profiles by rrrix like his Rift profiles which have been working pretty much 100% since day 1.

Here are two profiles for Act 1 bounties
A1 by xdzy is probably 95% afkable. Same with WiN's modification of the Community Bounty Profiles. (found on very first page of Act 1 profiles, currently the top link)
this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...dventure-mode-bounties-community-edition.html
plus https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...ofiles/adventure-mode/211610-a1-bounties.html

or this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/demon...ommunity-edition-bug-fixes-4.html#post1909455

For Act 4 bounties, this one is currently working fine (100% afkable for me, though a bit unoptimized - found in main Profiles forum)

Here's a keybot that's working. Requires some tinkering and a downgrade, but it works.
(found on the profiles forum)

These are pretty much your only options right now for functional profiles that don't require an obscene amount of babysitting. This same thing happens with every new patch. I don't know what you're on about a "lack of support" and "what did I buy", the devs had an update out what, day 2 of the patch? Or was it day 1? regardless, they were damn quick. When you purchased this bot, you are getting exactly what you paid for and the bot is maintained and works just fine. The problem is plugins/profiles which are provided BY VOLUNTEERS IN THE COMMUNITY. Most of the big volunteer devs have moved on to other things, yet there are still members of this forum working their asses off trying to deliver better profiles for the community and they have to put up with whiny children like you every fucking day posting on the forums "give me candy! give me candy!". No wonder devs aren't sticking around. I'd be disheartened as well if my contributions to the community were taken as greedily as this.

I deeply apologize that your personal profile catering service has seen a minor delay and I sincerely hope we can get this resolved for you as expediently as possible. In the meantime, please enjoy this rant have have some god damned patience.

I completely agree with this & Back this 100%. Honestly, I would have kicked the whiners off the first time I heard dumb shit come out of there finger tips.
I made some donations in an effort to get someone working for those of us who cant make profiles, attempted to enlisted others to do the same.
My only regret is the 100.00 dollars I sent to some of the guys for nothing. You must work for demonbuddy and not platy diablo that's why you don't care.

You are the cancer of theses forums. I have botted 487 normal rift token, and have 148 trial rifts, and 114 paragons already this season. If you can't find profiles that work, then learn how to modify them yourself so they do work and stop bitching. The profiles are community driven, not 1st party. Don't be shitty.
That's fine, I've done far better with D3exploit. they must have started fixing there bot when the PTR was running that made for a lot fewer changes after 2.2 arrived. One thing is for sure I will never give a dime here again. I liked the combat routines here better but they seem to have fixed that as well. One other point is when you download the new software all the profiles come with it, no need to search forums. You stay here and have fun with this I'm sure the guys are happy with all the cash you've sent them. LOL
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