Lets get this strait, if you bot you run the chance of getting banned. If that doesn't bother you then bot. If you then get banned don't feel like you have to make a post about it. now with that said i get some posts are about ways to avoid getting the ol' ban hammer that's awesome!
With that out of the way lets change this up start talking about good locations of nests or your prize pokemons you have evo'd or even caught! personally i evo'd a super nice Arcanine 2442 cp 96 IV 35.78 kg (XS) move set is fire fang 10 with bulldoze 4 bubble 35
With that out of the way lets change this up start talking about good locations of nests or your prize pokemons you have evo'd or even caught! personally i evo'd a super nice Arcanine 2442 cp 96 IV 35.78 kg (XS) move set is fire fang 10 with bulldoze 4 bubble 35