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Win / Loss Ratio while botting - odd results


New Member
Dec 14, 2011
Anyone else notice some odd stat results on win/loss ratios when botting?

I have botted 30 BGs on my alli char and 30 BGs on my horde char over the last two days.
I have done this same test over the last 3 weeks, with almost the exact same results each week...

The results when I bot overnight with my Week 3:

Alliance char: 8 wins - 22 losses
Horde char: 10 wins - 20 losses
^^ That was this week alone.

Week 2 results were:

Alliance char: 6 wins - 23 losses (didn't get to 30 BGs before I started playing myself)
Horde char: 12 wins - 18 losses

Week 1 results were:
Alliance char: 11 wins - 24 losses
Horde char: 7 wins - 19 losses

Now I know some may say that I should expect my loss ratio to be higher if I am botting, as its not as good as me playing the char for real.
However, I know from being in the BGs myself there are constantly bots on both horde and alliance in PUGs, so its not the fact I am the only botter thats causing the loss ratio to be higher every week, at least not imo.

When I do play myself, the ratio is probably more like 45% alli wins to 55% horde wins on EU servers.
So this just got me thinking, conspiracy theory stylee(!!) could this be down to some odd reason like Blizz are aware of the bots, and attempt to lump them together in pug BGs?
I know its far fetched, but I cant seem to get my head around these consistent win / loss ratio results.

No matter whether I bot on alli or horde, the loss ratio is huge compared to the number of wins, and my brain is running overtime on this now, cos its annoying me. :P

The account I bot on has been banned before almost 2 yrs ago, so I just wonder if it is black marked by Blizz in some way which leads to these crazy results while botting.

Believe me I know this result is extremely far fetched, but what can I say, conspiracy theories interest me. ;)
After all if Blizz did perma ban all the bots, they would loose huge amounts of money from subscriptions, so its in their best interests to just disadvantage bots rather than ban them...

Anyway, just my thoughts please feel free to share your own experiences in bot win / losses if you feel the same or differently. :o
No Blizzard don't game the stats to annoy botters that would be far too much effort for little effect.
Your samples are pretty small by the way and anyway it really shouldn't annoy you as you are only one part of a team so at best you can contribute 1/10th to a BG and at worst only 1/40th and really unless you play by hand and get active in moving people around in a BG you won't increase those factors.

So to sum up: Don't worry about it.

Also keep wearing tinfoil on your head.
belive it or not, my faction our team always wins when i play normally,
when i bot, we ALWAYS lose. lol

its just a random thing that we carnt describe.
My stats actually go way further back than this, but after so long of it being a similar result I decided to collate proper stats over a 3 week period of 2 days per week.
But this is something I have noticed for months.

In any case, the ratio has never ever been more wins than losses no matter what time of day or night I bot, nor has it improved with various classes either healer or dps.
Even my Ret Pala which uses a great CC that puts me often within the top dmg and HKs of BGs, still the losses are huge incomparison the wins.

Would like to see if others have gathered any data on their win / loss ratios to see how thing pan out over a wider audience.

Any in response to: "that would be far too much effort for little effect" - Not at all this would be an extremely simple task if they actually wanted to. Little effect perhaps, but certainly not too much effort.
belive it or not, my faction our team always wins when i play normally,
when i bot, we ALWAYS lose. lol

its just a random thing that we carnt describe.
In reality thats exactly what I think, but just hate to not be able to reason out why this randomness exists.
Surely this random behaviour should swing in my favour from time to time, but alas... not yet! ;)
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u think i should write a simple quick plugin to check the stats out :p?

Host them on a global server
u think i should write a simple quick plugin to check the stats out :p?

Host them on a global server
Hell yeh, if only to satisfy my curious mind!! :D

BTW - your PvPRogue CC is friggin awesome!
I still lose more when botting with it tho... lol
Cant believe you actually brought this up. Are you for real? Do you really expect your bot to win the same number of matches as you do when you play?
Cant believe you actually brought this up. Are you for real? Do you really expect your bot to win the same number of matches as you do when you play?
Am I for real..? lol
Whats so difficult to comprehend?

And if you read correctly, no I dont expect to win more BGs if I am botting, IF I was the only botter, which we all know too well will not be the case in the majority of pug BGs.
I expect that the law of averages to swing in my favour once in a while, but they never do, thats the point.

If you dont like analysing statistics, then too bad because thats a huge factor in how our world works online or otherwise.
I however like to consider the statistics and the potential meaning behind them, whether I have the answer or not, and I invited others to offer their thoughts should they wish to...
Is that really so hard for you to grasp?

If Swiny does code up a plugin for this, then I would be more than happy I created this topic...
Am I for real..? lol
Whats so difficult to comprehend?

And if you read correctly, no I dont expect to win more BGs if I am botting, IF I was the only botter, which we all know too well will not be the case in the majority of pug BGs.
I expect that the law of averages to swing in my favour once in a while, but they never do, thats the point.

If you dont like analysing statistics, then too bad because thats a huge factor in how our world works online or otherwise.
I however like to consider the statistics and the potential meaning behind them, whether I have the answer or not, and I invited others to offer their thoughts should they wish to...
Is that really so hard for you to grasp?

If Swiny does code up a plugin for this, then I would be more than happy I created this topic...

Like someone else mentioned, those sample sizes are tiny.

PvP bots suck. Anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea what they're talking about. Your loss ratio is high because you're botting. When you play yourself, you influence the rounds in immense ways. You're at the right place at the right time. You're moving and working with your team.

Best case your bot is following around the best 'pack' of friendly players it can find, which often-times will put it in stupid places, leave it fighting at mid the entire round. Worst case you spend the entire game running around doing nothing but feeding the enemies HKs.

There's no mysterious statistical anomaly causing a lower win ratio. It's because you're botting.

You're talking down to another user because you're too ignorant to see the obvious answer that's right in front of you. You're losing more on average consistently because your bot sucks.

When you bot you remove one human player from the round, yourself, and thus win less. This shouldn't be hard to grasp. Every round you play by hand has at least one human. Any round you bot could have all bots and no humans.

This is more than enough to account for the 'discrepancy'. Law of averages has no application here, because the standard deviation of your bot rounds is not large enough to ever push your botting BG results above your player BG results.

Is that really so hard for you to grasp?
Like someone else mentioned, those sample sizes are tiny.

PvP bots suck. Anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea what they're talking about. Your loss ratio is high because you're botting. When you play yourself, you influence the rounds in immense ways. You're at the right place at the right time. You're moving and working with your team.

Best case your bot is following around the best 'pack' of friendly players it can find, which often-times will put it in stupid places, leave it fighting at mid the entire round. Worst case you spend the entire game running around doing nothing but feeding the enemies HKs.

There's no mysterious statistical anomaly causing a lower win ratio. It's because you're botting.

You're talking down to another user because you're too ignorant to see the obvious answer that's right in front of you. You're losing more on average consistently because your bot sucks.

When you bot you remove one human player from the round, yourself, and thus win less. This shouldn't be hard to grasp. Every round you play by hand has at least one human. Any round you bot could have all bots and no humans.

This is more than enough to account for the 'discrepancy'. Law of averages has no application here, because the standard deviation of your bot rounds is not large enough to ever push your botting BG results above your player BG results.

Is that really so hard for you to grasp?

No I didnt put him down at all, I merely replied whilst adding quotes from him, if anything he entered the conversation with a negative tone...

And if you honestly think when I bot in any of the 10, 15 or 40 man BGs that I am the only bot in there, then you are very much mistaken.
BGs are FULL of bots, as we are all very well aware...

Clearly some of you ppl need to stop taking thing so seriously, this is a tongue in cheek thread, which I already stated in the original post.
If you dont like it, you dont have to join in the conversation, however if you choose to join in then keep the arsy comments to yourself.