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WIMM Summoner SRS CR


Oct 12, 2013

Summoner SRS CR.

This is a reducto build from the exampleroutine CR supplied by Bossland/PushEDX. It does use the Mine Slot, with CR code from me.
It will be extended in various places, I am interested in animate weapon and animate guardian, and in keeping the guardian alive.
I also am looking forward to pluging in the Golem skills coming out with Act 4.

I have based it off of these builds:
GhazzyTV PoE SRS Summoner DPS Guide dayz3.ru
SRS/Zombie summoner - Path of POE
Forum - Witch - GhazzyTV - [Standard] SRS-Summoner Builds Uber Atziri Farming 1.3 - Path of Exile

Your melee skill for leveling is to be placed in slot 4. I strongly suggest an area of effect melee or cast gem such as 'Molten strike' or ' Lightning tendrils' etc.
Auras use slot 2, they will replace anything into there, cast, and then the orginal skill in slot2 is replaced.
All other gems can be placed in any slot.

Uses ONLY the following gems:
Summon Raging Skulls
Raise Zombies
Raise Spectre*
Animate Weapon
Animate Guardian
Flesh Offering
Smoke Mine
Auras (only a certain set ""Anger", "Clarity", "Determination", "Discipline", "Grace", "Haste", "Hatred", "Purity of Elements", "Purity of Fire", "Purity of Ice", "Purity of Lightning", "Vitality", "Wrath")

1) Raise Spectre tends to get in the way, i find less SRS's summoned.

Download and replace your ExampleRoutine.cs in your exampleroutine folder. Note this will be overwritten during an update.
Note this will overwrite your exampleroutine, so if you want to revert either restore it if you backed up else download a fresh copy of Exile Buddy.

8 April updated, summons skulls better. no more zombie raise bug encountered.
12 April Auras working. (update again as I forgot a ")



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Quick question, does this specifically need to replace the default ER? I'm curious as to why it can't be put in its own folder like with your archer routine?

Definitely be giving this a spin. Been leveling a Animate Weapons on my RF/Cyclone marauder for just this reason.

Snooping through the ER cs it looks like the CR will handle flesh offering no probs while there are corpses around. Didn't follow what logic is in place if there wasn't any corpses, assume it calls an error until it can find a corpse?

Any plans to bring desecrate or convocation into the fold?

I'll throw some feedback after a bit of playtesting.

Cheers for the CR though, been looking forward to a good SRS one.

Edit: Clarity. It's late.
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Working on a raise zombie bug.. can get stuck repeatedly trying to raise a corpse that may or maynot exist. So I will have to blacklist.
then working on the aruas.

once that is done I will upload.

fleshofferring works real nice. Smoke Mine is excellent, strongly suggest buying it at level 19.

8 April updated, summons skulls better. no more zombie raise bug encountered.
Next, clean up logging ;p and then working on the strongbox code to use smokemine. Then back to this for animate weapon.. although that will be a plugin I expect.
8 April now with SS put back in.
8 April logging spam reduced


Is this developed with standard EB as a base? I'm only asking because EB handles animate weapon pretty good from what I can see.
Yes, it uses the standard EB code in most places, such as animate weapon.
I won't be changing animate weapon until I get a plugin that IDs after pickup.

So there is nothing special about this CR.

How do I get it to stop spamming AA

also i'd like it to flesh offering less often
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if you want to bypass AA, grab the duration nodes (you should have for SRS anyway imo) and run CWDT IC. phys damage problem solved.
Or log out when physical or elemental reflect is detected. As this CR does (well, it should, I have not paid much attention to that section of code in a while)

Although one of my SRS characters got oneshot by something last night..
Makes me want to work on the ' Grab Info On Death' plugin.

Hello, Whats the best Combat Range and Max range range to use with this cr?
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Note that this combat routine is moving away from the monster weighting methods used in the default ExampleRoutine.
Reason is that this is a SRS summoner routine, so.. the SRS and summons do the combat targeting and, unfortunately, combat target weighting.
What this means is that if you are wanting to use another skill, say fireball, then your character is going to attack the closest monster.

This IS causing literal grief at the hands of un-die'ing mechanics of totems and monster aruas. I am going to try out using Skeles as the way to deal with them by simply bringing down the entire skele summons onto the arua holder. And if there is no skele skill available to the bot, then have the character suicide the auraholder.


The character doesn't cast aura after death.
Just set an aura to the bar that is not in slot2 (i think thats what WIMM usually uses for his aura rota). It should trigger before changing grind zones or briefly after entering it. Upon casting it it should trigger WIMM's logic. You can also just do a simple death count flag if you needed to have that one slot free but the work around is pretty simple.
Just set an aura to the bar that is not in slot2 (i think thats what WIMM usually uses for his aura rota). It should trigger before changing grind zones or briefly after entering it. Upon casting it it should trigger WIMM's logic. You can also just do a simple death count flag if you needed to have that one slot free but the work around is pretty simple.
Thx, I will try it latter.
Any way to stop my character from always casting SRS in melee range? I didn't find anything like that in this thread unless I missed it.
Actually better use basic example routine this is casting the srs slowly u cant configure the max range for fighting the spam of fleshofferings is just so annoying , maybe thats the worst custom plugin in my opinion ( not meant to insult anyone)
and dont know about other builds but for SRS it sucks , for other may be ok.
>u cant configure the max range for fighting the spam of fleshofferings is just so annoying
Learn some C#

Not insulted, this IS a pig of a combat routine. But I enjoyed making it, learning from it, and the next one will be better (not necessarily a SRS CR).
Naturally we are all waiting on beta going live and EB stabilizing.

I actually appreciate this. At least it casted flesh offering. Man it does help speed up the kill.
>u cant configure the max range for fighting the spam of fleshofferings is just so annoying
Learn some C#

Not insulted, this IS a pig of a combat routine. But I enjoyed making it, learning from it, and the next one will be better (not necessarily a SRS CR).
Naturally we are all waiting on beta going live and EB stabilizing.


It's not really about stability, but lot of changes are occuring about interfaces and may break into a whole new thing.