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Im currently 36 full heirloom doing roughly 22k per hour. In decolace now, but will it get better? Using Ski's afflic CC and bliiks My pally did roughly 35k an hour at this level
Agree with Tony. Desolace is a dead area for leveling Takes forever, and the distance betweeen mobs and vendors suck there. You should try a STV profile instead.
I don't remember what I got at those levels, though I thought it was higher. I recommend watching your character and tuning the CC variables so that your lock is more efficient (if you see him resting when his health is too high, lower the restHealth, lower the drainHealth vars, etc). Basically you want it to be doing as much dps as possible with as little resting as possible. I played around for an hour with values until my lock was killing nonstop and resting once every 20-30 mobs (if at all). That's the goal and will give you the highest xp/hr.
That isn't terribly low for a Warlock, probably about average. In comparison to a Paladin, all other classes will pale; don't expect the exp/h you got with your Paladin on any other character.