was thinking like it could possibly be a bit of a scam tbh, throw in the towel as the api keeps changing, keep taking the money and then have people like yourself just constantly saying be patient whilst the money keeps trickling in. As a purchaser its a little worrying to come to a forum where every post either gets locked down or told to be patient. A little re assurance from those in charge goes a long way.
There are reasons posts get locked down, typically reposts of things already addressed, or when it becomes a flame war, or if its a post about something already warned will result in a locked, and even still, when a post goes dead after making a request but not responding for ages. Posts taken down, are done for similar reasons. We do our best to reassure people, and we try to keep communication up as much as we can
@aquintus has very valid points to their post as well. ETA posts for example are no longer needed as we have a Current Status of Pokefarmer thread stickied and is updated as soon as there is something new to update with (
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threads/official-pokefarmer-status.409500/ ). Also, I am sorry you have concerns about thinking its a scam, but if you ask anyone who has been here for more than 2 months, they can all attest, we refund time lost to keys affected, and always honor them. We are always working on something, and usually its something to improve PF or other related services. If you have concerns still, and recently bought a key, you can email support for a refund if that makes you feel any more secure, or, you can wait it out, and be here when we release the update.
This all said, this post has been revived a few too many times, and is now being closed as this issue has been addressed at length.