2 hrs ago, i was running ArchB. went upstairs. I just came down and saw I was logged off. Attempted relog incorrect pw...looked at email: Battle.net Account - Password Reset
We have reset the password for the Battle.net account associated with this email address. To choose a new password, please click the following link and follow the instructions:
followed by a slew of restore emails and sorry for inconvience emails, concluded investigation emails etc.
went to Battlenet and saw a Game Ticket in my name........(didnt do it)
My account just been hacked, and someone took my account all my gold and stuff, I do not know what's going on, my character is transferred from the people, but not me, can you please help me back my character, this realm, and restore my items and gold! And restore all of the characters and equipment.
followed by answer at the same time.....
We have determined that the World of Warcraft account ########## has been accessed by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use).
To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account. Any recurring subscriptions have been removed to prevent further monetary charges. In order to regain access to the account, please complete the steps below to secure the account and verify your identity.
So it appears it was hacked,investigated and restored in a couple of minutes....
or......They think im botting and want me to verify so i have no future excuse? btw i use no authent. i puter is clean.
We have reset the password for the Battle.net account associated with this email address. To choose a new password, please click the following link and follow the instructions:
followed by a slew of restore emails and sorry for inconvience emails, concluded investigation emails etc.
went to Battlenet and saw a Game Ticket in my name........(didnt do it)
My account just been hacked, and someone took my account all my gold and stuff, I do not know what's going on, my character is transferred from the people, but not me, can you please help me back my character, this realm, and restore my items and gold! And restore all of the characters and equipment.
followed by answer at the same time.....
We have determined that the World of Warcraft account ########## has been accessed by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use).
To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account. Any recurring subscriptions have been removed to prevent further monetary charges. In order to regain access to the account, please complete the steps below to secure the account and verify your identity.
So it appears it was hacked,investigated and restored in a couple of minutes....
or......They think im botting and want me to verify so i have no future excuse? btw i use no authent. i puter is clean.