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why does HB thinks, my mage is a protection warrior while farming?


New Member
Jan 5, 2012
hi there, my mage thinks he is a prot warrior and while farming with GB2 everything is attacked with my melee dagger ^^
in the plugins "talented" i set up my class to Mage - Frost and saved it.
But atleast, nothing changed.
please help me
my log is in german :/ but i try to translate:

[17:43:47:135] Generiere Zauberbuch
[17:43:47:138] Zauberbuch generiert
[17:43:47:138] Compiling C:\Users\alcatana\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[17:43:47:513] Compiling C:\Users\alcatana\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\Singular
[17:43:47:931] CC konnte nicht von C:\Users\alcatana\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\Singular erstellt werden!
CC couldnt build from C:\....
[17:43:47:932] Datei: FeralBearTank.cs Pfad: 43 Fehler: "Singular.Managers.TalentSpec" enth?lt keine Definition f?r "FeralTankDruid".
Datei: FeralBearTank.cs Pfad: 58 Fehler: "Singular.Managers.TankManager" enth?lt keine Definition f?r "NeedTankTargeting".
Datei: FeralCat.cs Pfad: 68 Fehler: "Singular.Managers.TalentSpec" enth?lt keine Definition f?r "FeralTankDruid".
Many mistakes about "Feral Druid"
[17:43:47:934] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung abgeschlossen
[17:43:47:934] Initialisierung abgeschlossen
[17:43:47:934] Honorbuddy is up-to-date
[17:43:47:935] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung von Honorbuddy abgeschlossen
[17:44:09:666] Es konnte kein Ablauf der zu deiner Klasse passt gefunden werden. Bitte vergewissere dich, dass du ein entsprechendes CC-Profil besitzt und starte Honorbuddy neu.
There was no Class-specific Profile (..) Please be sure that you are using a fitting CC-Profile and restart HB
Mages suck at PVE, they're only good at PVP, so, logically the bot was like "I'm not even going to attempt that" and jumped onto a warrior.

Seriously, logs or gtfo.
your using an outdated version of singular? Try a clean install of HB (Or download HB delete singular, and pull the singular folder from the downloaded HB into your Custom Classes folder.)
a new Hb installation from scratch should fix it

also for your Mage you can use Amplify CC