2 days ago I jus got a 72 hour suspension.
Action: 72 Hour Suspension
Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software
i'll tell u a bit of the background here, I started using HB near the end of Cata, at early MoP I just use it for grinding levelling and running LFRs and never had a problem. but soon after I start mining 10+ hours a day and selling 100+ stacks of Ghost Iron a day. made me 500k gold but I got account closure.
I started a new account and did exactly same thing levelling toons, grinding, BG, Dungeons. however this time I NEVER touch the AH at all, never sell anything I only gather enough mats for my own use. and I don't get any bans.
carry onto WoD I did the same... got 22 toons to lv100 doing the same thing but I still NOT selling anything on AH. so I pretty much been botting very heavily (20 hours a day) from patch 5.2 throne of thunder, no problem at all.
but lately I got a lot of Savage blood and sold about 20 per day. and sold some other materials like leather because garrison cost too much and AH is nice place to get gold.
but at the same time I also run Garrisonbuddy/Butler on each of my toon, I have 2 PC one is set to run 12 minutes on each of my toons to do the full run of garrison. the other PC is set to ONLY do missions and it's set to 4 minutes on each toon, cycle thu 22 toons on a loop so when it gets back to my first toon it's 1.5 hours later and half the missions are done. I leave this running for many hours and I feel it's really BAD because ARelog is not able to switch toon without closing WoW and restarting again. I suspect blizzard must have detected of logging off and on every 4 minutes exactly for hours...
so now im not sure if it's blizzard detected me for selling some stuff on AH, or is it the relog every 4 minutes that screw up. to be honest I really don't make so much gold per day. but previous I've been botting 20hours a day safely for over 1.5 years without a problem.
Action: 72 Hour Suspension
Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software
i'll tell u a bit of the background here, I started using HB near the end of Cata, at early MoP I just use it for grinding levelling and running LFRs and never had a problem. but soon after I start mining 10+ hours a day and selling 100+ stacks of Ghost Iron a day. made me 500k gold but I got account closure.
I started a new account and did exactly same thing levelling toons, grinding, BG, Dungeons. however this time I NEVER touch the AH at all, never sell anything I only gather enough mats for my own use. and I don't get any bans.
carry onto WoD I did the same... got 22 toons to lv100 doing the same thing but I still NOT selling anything on AH. so I pretty much been botting very heavily (20 hours a day) from patch 5.2 throne of thunder, no problem at all.
but lately I got a lot of Savage blood and sold about 20 per day. and sold some other materials like leather because garrison cost too much and AH is nice place to get gold.
but at the same time I also run Garrisonbuddy/Butler on each of my toon, I have 2 PC one is set to run 12 minutes on each of my toons to do the full run of garrison. the other PC is set to ONLY do missions and it's set to 4 minutes on each toon, cycle thu 22 toons on a loop so when it gets back to my first toon it's 1.5 hours later and half the missions are done. I leave this running for many hours and I feel it's really BAD because ARelog is not able to switch toon without closing WoW and restarting again. I suspect blizzard must have detected of logging off and on every 4 minutes exactly for hours...
so now im not sure if it's blizzard detected me for selling some stuff on AH, or is it the relog every 4 minutes that screw up. to be honest I really don't make so much gold per day. but previous I've been botting 20hours a day safely for over 1.5 years without a problem.