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Which way?


Dec 17, 2011
Hello, I know that there's alot of thread like this, but anyway, I'm going to post this..

Which way do you use to get gold?

Tell me anything, which proffesions, any profiles? Farming spots?

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards Sengira
Selling raw ore/herbs is generally the fastest way, but if you are determined to getting most out of it, refined mats yield much more gold. You'll need Enchanting, Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing Alchemy (preferably two of these - Transmutation Master for gems, Elixir Master for flasks) and Inscription.

Sell profitable gems, make jewelry out of the rest and disenchant it
Make profitable enchanting scrolls and sell them. Hypnotic Dust and Greater Celestial Essences come from jewelry, Heavenly Shards from Blacksmithing (Stormforged Legguards/Shoulders - 8 Obsidium Ore and 16 Elementium Ore to craft)
Make 377 ilvl PvP plate sets - they usually sell well.

Make profitable flasks and sell them during the prime time (which usually starts around 7 pm, when raiders start to stock up).
If your farming routes are limited to only one herb and it's cheap, mill it, craft Blackfallow Ink and make glyphs (you can buy all tiers of ink with Blackfallow at 1:1 ratio from ink vendors)

Use https://theunderminejournal.com (EU version - https://eu.theunderminejournal.com) to determine profitable crafts.
Selling raw ore/herbs is generally the fastest way, but if you are determined to getting most out of it, refined mats yield much more gold. You'll need Enchanting, Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing Alchemy (preferably two of these - Transmutation Master for gems, Elixir Master for flasks) and Inscription.

Sell profitable gems, make jewelry out of the rest and disenchant it
Make profitable enchanting scrolls and sell them. Hypnotic Dust and Greater Celestial Essences come from jewelry, Heavenly Shards from Blacksmithing (Stormforged Legguards/Shoulders - 8 Obsidium Ore and 16 Elementium Ore to craft)
Make 377 ilvl PvP plate sets - they usually sell well.

Make profitable flasks and sell them during the prime time (which usually starts around 7 pm, when raiders start to stock up).
If your farming routes are limited to only one herb and it's cheap, mill it, craft Blackfallow Ink and make glyphs (you can buy all tiers of ink with Blackfallow at 1:1 ratio from ink vendors)

Use https://theunderminejournal.com (EU version - https://eu.theunderminejournal.com) to determine profitable crafts.
