Hi Guys,
Recently I did the icecrown boosting trick but bought a full wow account, BC, LK, CATA then levelled by hand an 85 dk and boosted my main account,
I now have an account with:
85 Dk Al'Akir Horde,
80 Mage Stormscale Horde,
And some other lower level alts,
Where would eb best to sell this, just looking to recuperate some of the cd keys costs,
Recently I did the icecrown boosting trick but bought a full wow account, BC, LK, CATA then levelled by hand an 85 dk and boosted my main account,
I now have an account with:
85 Dk Al'Akir Horde,
80 Mage Stormscale Horde,
And some other lower level alts,
Where would eb best to sell this, just looking to recuperate some of the cd keys costs,