2015-07-04 18:56:57,310 [54] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,332 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,332 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,333 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] MsBetweenTicks: 10.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,333 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] InputEventMsDelay: 0.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,333 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] LowFpsMode: False.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,334 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ResurrectTask] This task handles resurrection..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,334 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ClearCursorTask] This task places any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,334 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [AssignMoveSkillTask] A task to handle assigning the Move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,335 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleBlockingChestsTask] This task will handle breaking any blocking chests that interfere with movement..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,335 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleDoorsTask] This task handles opening doors..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,335 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash 50)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,336 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TownRunTask] A task to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,336 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash 50)] This task handles looting items..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,336 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash 50)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,336 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash -1)] This task handles looting items..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,337 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [MergeInventoryTask] A task to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,337 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [IdTask] A task to identify items in inventory..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,337 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SellTask] A task to vendor items in the inventory..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,337 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [StashTask] This task will stash all applicable items in town..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,338 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [WithdrawTask] A task to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,338 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleInventoryItemsTask] A task to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,338 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SortInventoryTask] A task to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,338 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ReturnToGrindZoneTask] This task will return the bot to the previous grind zone after a town run..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,338 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TagWaypointTask] This task will tag a waypoint if it is not already unlocked..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,339 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UseLooseCandleTask] This task will use the Loose Candle when the grind zone is set to The Archives..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,339 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] This task will use the Loose Grate and Sarcophagus covers for corrupted area transitions..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,339 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TakeCorruptedAreaTask] A task to take corrupted areas..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,339 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelToGrindZoneTask] This task will travel to the grind zone configured..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,339 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,340 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash -1)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,340 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash -1)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,341 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,341 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,341 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExploreTask] This task handles exploring an area..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,342 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,342 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [FallbackTask] This task is the last task executed. It should not execute..
2015-07-04 18:56:57,342 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AdvancedItemFilter] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,342 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [IdentifyItemsTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,342 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtFront] Now adding [CheckForRecipeItemsTask] Record recipe items at start of the bot only, never after.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,343 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] CheckForRecipeItemsTask Sucessfully added at front of the list
2015-07-04 18:56:57,343 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] RecipeWithdrawTask Sucessfully added after CheckForRecipeItemsTask
2015-07-04 18:56:57,343 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] RecipeSellTask Sucessfully added after RecipeWithdrawTask
2015-07-04 18:56:57,343 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] SignalRecipeExecutionTask Sucessfully added after HandleInventoryItemsTask
2015-07-04 18:56:57,344 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] StashToSpecificTabTask Sucessfully added before StashTask
2015-07-04 18:56:57,344 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,346 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Next masters will be alerted:
2015-07-04 18:56:57,346 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Catarina, Master of the Dead
2015-07-04 18:56:57,347 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Elreon, Loremaster
2015-07-04 18:56:57,347 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Haku, Armourmaster
2015-07-04 18:56:57,347 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Tora, Master of the Hunt
2015-07-04 18:56:57,347 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Vagan, Weaponmaster
2015-07-04 18:56:57,347 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Vorici, Master Assassin
2015-07-04 18:56:57,348 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Zana, Master Cartographer
2015-07-04 18:56:57,348 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItem] Starting
2015-07-04 18:56:57,348 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtFront] Now adding [DoChanceItemTask] DoChanceItemTask.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,348 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FlaskHelper] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,349 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,349 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,349 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [MapRunner] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,349 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [MapExplorationTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,350 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [MapExplorationCompleteTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,350 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TagWaypointTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,351 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,351 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,351 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TakeCorruptedAreaTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,351 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,352 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,352 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [ReturnToGrindZoneTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,352 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [UseLooseCandleTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,352 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelToGrindZoneTask].
2015-07-04 18:56:57,352 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,353 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] BotTimeLimit: 03:39:37.1350000
2015-07-04 18:56:57,353 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] BotIdleTimeLimit: 00:34:52.8100000
2015-07-04 18:56:57,353 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StuckDetection] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,353 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Totemizer] Start
2015-07-04 18:56:57,354 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItems] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,354 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeWithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,354 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeSellTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,354 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [HandleBlockingChestsTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,355 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,355 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,355 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin AdvancedItemFilter is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,355 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin Alerter is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,356 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin ChanceItems is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,356 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin FlaskHelper is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,356 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin GemLeveler is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,356 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin MapRunner is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,356 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin Scheduler is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,357 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin StuckDetection is enabled.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,357 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,373 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StashToSpecificTabTask] Found specific items in inventory, stashing them in given tabs :
2015-07-04 18:56:57,375 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ARRAYDEBUG] Array contains 0 item(s)
2015-07-04 18:56:57,376 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ARRAYDEBUG] Array contains 0 item(s)
2015-07-04 18:56:57,376 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ARRAYDEBUG] Array contains 0 item(s)
2015-07-04 18:56:57,376 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ARRAYDEBUG] Array contains 0 item(s)
2015-07-04 18:56:57,377 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StashToSpecificTabTask][TabName : Jews, Fuse, Chromes] - Chromatic Orb x1
2015-07-04 18:56:57,378 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FastMoveToStash] Fast moving Chromatic Orb from {0, 1}.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,431 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FastMoveToStash] Waiting for fast move.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,648 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FastMoveToStash] Waiting for fast move.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,866 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StashToSpecificTabTask] Successfully moved Chromatic Orb to the tab called "Jews, Fuse, Chromes"
2015-07-04 18:56:57,886 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [WithdrawTask] We do not need to withdraw any currency items. Skipping this task until an area change or restart.
2015-07-04 18:56:57,887 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [OpenInventoryPanel]
2015-07-04 18:57:00,196 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [PlaceInventoryItemsHelper] Attempting to place the item Alteration Shard at (4, 5).
2015-07-04 18:57:02,033 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Chaos Set Complete
2015-07-04 18:57:02,034 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Helms: [ 3 ] (Max)
2015-07-04 18:57:02,035 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Body: [ 2 ] (Max)
2015-07-04 18:57:02,035 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Gloves: [ 3 ] (Max)
2015-07-04 18:57:02,036 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Boots: [ 3 ] (Max)
2015-07-04 18:57:02,036 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Belts: [ 8 ]
2015-07-04 18:57:02,036 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Two Hand Weapons: [ 2 ] (Max)
2015-07-04 18:57:02,037 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Rings: [ 2 ]
2015-07-04 18:57:02,037 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceSet] Amulets: [ 6 ]
2015-07-04 18:57:02,038 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChaosSet] Is Ready For Selling = True
2015-07-04 18:57:02,038 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [SignalRecipeExecutionTask][DEBUG] Do we have a Chaos set to sell ? True
2015-07-04 18:57:02,039 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [SignalRecipeExecutionTask] Now setting ExecuteSellingRecipesLogic = true.
2015-07-04 18:57:03,080 [30] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeWithdrawTask] WithdrawItemsCoroutine returned GoToFirstTabFailed.
2015-07-04 18:57:03,081 [30] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
2015-07-04 18:57:03,082 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
2015-07-04 18:57:03,109 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] OnStop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,110 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AdvancedItemFilter] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,111 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,111 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItems] Stoping
2015-07-04 18:57:03,111 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FlaskHelper] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,112 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,112 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [MapRunner] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,113 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,113 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StuckDetection] Stop
2015-07-04 18:57:03,113 [30] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Totemizer] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:53,032 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,053 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,054 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,055 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] MsBetweenTicks: 10.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,055 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] InputEventMsDelay: 0.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,056 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] LowFpsMode: False.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,056 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ResurrectTask] This task handles resurrection..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,057 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ClearCursorTask] This task places any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,057 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [AssignMoveSkillTask] A task to handle assigning the Move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,058 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleBlockingChestsTask] This task will handle breaking any blocking chests that interfere with movement..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,058 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleDoorsTask] This task handles opening doors..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,058 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash 50)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,059 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TownRunTask] A task to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,059 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash 50)] This task handles looting items..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,059 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash 50)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,060 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash -1)] This task handles looting items..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,060 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [MergeInventoryTask] A task to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,060 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [IdTask] A task to identify items in inventory..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,060 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SellTask] A task to vendor items in the inventory..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,060 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [StashTask] This task will stash all applicable items in town..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,061 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [WithdrawTask] A task to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,061 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleInventoryItemsTask] A task to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,061 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SortInventoryTask] A task to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,061 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ReturnToGrindZoneTask] This task will return the bot to the previous grind zone after a town run..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,062 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TagWaypointTask] This task will tag a waypoint if it is not already unlocked..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,062 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UseLooseCandleTask] This task will use the Loose Candle when the grind zone is set to The Archives..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,062 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] This task will use the Loose Grate and Sarcophagus covers for corrupted area transitions..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,062 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TakeCorruptedAreaTask] A task to take corrupted areas..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,063 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelToGrindZoneTask] This task will travel to the grind zone configured..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,063 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,063 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash -1)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,063 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash -1)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,063 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,064 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,064 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExploreTask] This task handles exploring an area..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,064 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,065 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [FallbackTask] This task is the last task executed. It should not execute..
2015-07-05 01:42:53,065 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AdvancedItemFilter] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,065 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [IdentifyItemsTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,065 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtFront] Now adding [CheckForRecipeItemsTask] Record recipe items at start of the bot only, never after.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,065 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] CheckForRecipeItemsTask Sucessfully added at front of the list
2015-07-05 01:42:53,066 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] RecipeWithdrawTask Sucessfully added after CheckForRecipeItemsTask
2015-07-05 01:42:53,066 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] RecipeSellTask Sucessfully added after RecipeWithdrawTask
2015-07-05 01:42:53,066 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] SignalRecipeExecutionTask Sucessfully added after HandleInventoryItemsTask
2015-07-05 01:42:53,067 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddTask] StashToSpecificTabTask Sucessfully added before StashTask
2015-07-05 01:42:53,067 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,070 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Next masters will be alerted:
2015-07-05 01:42:53,071 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Catarina, Master of the Dead
2015-07-05 01:42:53,071 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Elreon, Loremaster
2015-07-05 01:42:53,071 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Haku, Armourmaster
2015-07-05 01:42:53,071 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Tora, Master of the Hunt
2015-07-05 01:42:53,072 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Vagan, Weaponmaster
2015-07-05 01:42:53,072 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Vorici, Master Assassin
2015-07-05 01:42:53,072 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Zana, Master Cartographer
2015-07-05 01:42:53,072 [55] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItem] Starting
2015-07-05 01:42:53,073 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AddAtFront] Now adding [DoChanceItemTask] DoChanceItemTask.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,073 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FlaskHelper] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,076 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,076 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,077 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [MapRunner] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,077 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [MapExplorationTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,077 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Replace] Now replacing [MapExplorationCompleteTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,078 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TagWaypointTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,078 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,078 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,079 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TakeCorruptedAreaTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,079 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,079 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,079 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [ReturnToGrindZoneTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,080 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [UseLooseCandleTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,080 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Remove] Now removing [TravelToGrindZoneTask].
2015-07-05 01:42:53,080 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,080 [55] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] BotTimeLimit: 03:38:05.2070000
2015-07-05 01:42:53,081 [55] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] BotIdleTimeLimit: 01:10:54.6230000
2015-07-05 01:42:53,081 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StuckDetection] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,081 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Totemizer] Start
2015-07-05 01:42:53,081 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItems] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,082 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeWithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,082 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeSellTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,082 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [HandleBlockingChestsTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,082 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,083 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,083 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin AdvancedItemFilter is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,083 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin Alerter is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,083 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin ChanceItems is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,083 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin FlaskHelper is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,084 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin GemLeveler is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,084 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin MapRunner is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,084 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin Scheduler is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,084 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] The plugin StuckDetection is enabled.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,085 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,095 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 807.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,195 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 807.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,224 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,261 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,292 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,328 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,358 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,394 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,424 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,443 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WaitForStashPanel]
2015-07-05 01:42:53,444 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WaitForStashPanel] We have been waiting 00:00:00.0000369 for the stash panel to open.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,560 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WaitForStashPanel] We have been waiting 00:00:00.1160008 for the stash panel to open.
2015-07-05 01:42:53,676 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [WaitForStashPanel] We have been waiting 00:00:00.2325862 for the stash panel to open.
2015-07-05 01:42:56,991 [55] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - [RecipeWithdrawTask] WithdrawItemsCoroutine returned GoToFirstTabFailed.
2015-07-05 01:42:56,991 [55] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
2015-07-05 01:42:56,992 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
2015-07-05 01:42:57,022 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] OnStop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,023 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AdvancedItemFilter] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,023 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Alerter] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,024 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ChanceItems] Stoping
2015-07-05 01:42:57,024 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [FlaskHelper] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,025 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,025 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [MapRunner] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,025 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Scheduler] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,025 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StuckDetection] Stop
2015-07-05 01:42:57,026 [55] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Totemizer] Stop