look, if you dont "get" the point, then your probably not cut out to be a botter. don't feel so bad for yourself, doing the kind of stuff that we do isnt for everyone and if you feel you cant handle it then please just send an e-mail to support and request a refund and we will part ways like two ships passing in the night. but if you feel as though you are the right kind of person, and want to learn and grow with the product, then please, read some of the guides in the guides section, as well as make a post in the support section detailing the problem your having so someone can try and help you figure out the issue. its up to you You take the blue pill - the get a refund and you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and we show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Blue Pill -
[email protected]
Red Pill -
The Choice is yours.