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What's the next step?


New Member
Oct 4, 2012
So what's to all happen now? I'm under the impression that, people with 20 or more bots, are done botting until this is over, you have your " 24/7 till I get banned, new account time " , that's bound to die out. You have your, 1 or 2 percentage of people that are lucky. And last but not least, the majority that are done with honnorbuddy or banned and gave up. Now I ask, what's the next step? For us or the devs? I'd like to have a fact to go on by now...come on.... Devs are really just.... ignoring all of the ban forum? I doubt that... If someone goes on about how it just matters how you use it...blah blah blah... you're not being tolerated.

Don't get me wrong, I love the program and have the highest hopes for it. But....shouldn't there be some type of lead to go by, by now atleast? And I don't mean for the reason of being banned...thats obvious by now, weither its 1 thing or everything combined. But....what's the plan exactly?
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I still don't believe there is detection. I have 5 accounts and 2 were banned last night, however I've already gotten both of them overturned. I think most bans related to botting/hacks are from player reports that cause them to actually look at the character/teleport/etc... They probably have some other automatic triggers that lead to exploiting/abusing the economy bans, but those are rather easy to overturn. A quick message to Blizz gets it dealt with. I still plan to bot just as much as I was before. I wasn't banned for botting. I was banned because they thought I was selling gold.
Triggers, yeah. But you wanna know why the reporting has not a GODDAMN thing to do with it? Because...one day...people didn't just decide out of no where... to start reporting botters. World doesn't work like that hun.Even if they made it with the click of a button, you still have to type a few words into a box. Reporting - nothing to do with all the recent bans.
I believe there is detection, there are storys that people have been banned without ever running the program, just having it sit there. Wiether it be a blizzard employee that said that on HB forums, weither it be another botting company about competition, weither it be someone with lying problems...I've seen it a few times, and I believe that a billion dollar corporation, has the ability to DETECT what ever the fuck then want...without entering your computers hardware/files.
You know nothing about technology and programming. There are limitations to what Blizzard can do which is why the actual detection is hard for them to accomplish. And it's the reason they are suing Bossland right now. Blizzard goes through phases on what they try to fight. In Vanilla and TBC it was botting, in Wrath and Cata it was account hackers, and now it's botters again. It isn't detection.

I had two accounts banned last night for gold selling. Both were overturned on appeal. I've botted on all 5 of my accounts. If it was detected I wouldn't have gotten those accounts back.

Reports are extremely easy now and due to them *****ing down on bots they are giving it more time right now.