iv tried that it dosent attack but thanks anywaysingular, it comes with the bot.
that should work fine at level 5
iv tried that it dosent attack but thanks anyway
Attach a log in that case as it should work fine, there isn't any CC's developed for any class to cater especially for low level toons but FPSWare are usually fairly sound.
That said Singular should work fine so a log will help find out the issue here.
iv just done that but still no luckreinstall singular, its not compiling the cc, so it wont work
yea iv just deleted the sigular and put the singular svn in im testing nowhave u checked the singular folder? sometimes it bugs and puts itself inside another folder inside. are you updating from the svn also?
cool hopefully it works i never had a problem with my mage and priestcool, im lvling a druuid at mo, only lvl 20 so far, used singular all way thru