I know it's impossible to know exactly how i was banned, but i'm wondering if it was botting that drew the attention from the GM's, or somthing else, and then they realized i was botting.
I talk a lot in trade
I troll when i join groups sometimes
I kill alot of horde as i'm on a pvp server
Sometimes ill join a group cross realm and just leave because the rare i wanted wasnt there, other times ill make up an excuse to leave
a couple days ago a guy messaged me saying "cheater" after i asked him how much his mysterious fortune cards were? And i had some on the ah at the time. Come to think of it, i put 100 up in stacks of 20 1 day, they sold well, so i did it again the next day
I sell a little on the AH, not much. Like i sell all my golden lotuses which is like around 30 a day. Ore here and there, nothing over 7 stacks.
The vast majorirty of my ore and herbs go to private buyers, alot of those buyers are repeat customers.
And i have bot all night long for the past several days. And some during the day. I only bot using GB2 lately.
I'm guessing i was banned simply from player reports while botting over night. But then again most of those guys are botting too. So what could it have been?
I talk a lot in trade
I troll when i join groups sometimes
I kill alot of horde as i'm on a pvp server
Sometimes ill join a group cross realm and just leave because the rare i wanted wasnt there, other times ill make up an excuse to leave
a couple days ago a guy messaged me saying "cheater" after i asked him how much his mysterious fortune cards were? And i had some on the ah at the time. Come to think of it, i put 100 up in stacks of 20 1 day, they sold well, so i did it again the next day
I sell a little on the AH, not much. Like i sell all my golden lotuses which is like around 30 a day. Ore here and there, nothing over 7 stacks.
The vast majorirty of my ore and herbs go to private buyers, alot of those buyers are repeat customers.
And i have bot all night long for the past several days. And some during the day. I only bot using GB2 lately.
I'm guessing i was banned simply from player reports while botting over night. But then again most of those guys are botting too. So what could it have been?