No, it is not the same for all CCs. Depends on when it is called in the routine and many other factors. There are many options a "short distance" LOS movement routine could have (besides the pathing routines that take you across a City or around complex obstacle paths):
1. Look ahead. Plot where the character is going to BE rather than where it is by the time you get there.
2. Are you a rogue or Druid Feral cat... do you want to hit from in front or behind?
3. Do you want to use the pathing algorithm (MoveTo) to get there over a short distance, CTM, or Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.MovementDirection.Forward, etc.
4. How close do you want to be?
5. How often do you turn to face?
6. Best to do forward/backwards or strafe to get where you are going?
7. Positioning according to battlefield. Do you use vectors to decide where best to be for maximum advantage (DPS versus blowback protection, versus being the tank and facing MOB away from your casters, etc.).
I have adopted mine slightly to always try to move forward if the chased character is in front of me and still moving. I've also posted routines on other forums with vector based positioning. I've found, unfortunately despite HB's utility in many respects, that the lag time associated with HB makes movement very quirky and botty.
The timed movement routines (Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.MovementDirection) has a weird flaw-- when I last tested it a few months back) that seems to randomize how long the movement button(s) are pressed, making it difficult to use over short distances.
Those are all CC based and something none of the current CCs are really superb at.
Frankly, I was thinking of starting a development topic on exactly this issue to design a "movement" system for all CCs to share if they wanted that would be a little more responsive to environment.