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What should I do?


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
I love GB. It has made me a ton of gold. I like boting and think it is an important part of the game. I have never reported another botter. I go as far as to help people by telling them if there profile sucks and i can easily tell they bot, or warn the guy that puts 300 stacks of saronite on the AF of 10g that he will get banned for that stuff.

Now using GB has been great for months but for the last few days one guy on my server has has tanked the market undercutting everyone by 40%, selling saronite for less than what he could vendor it for.
I don't want to get reported and banned but I am having a moral delema with this guy. Part of me says screw you guy! If you are dumb enough to put 300 stacks of saronite and over 50 stacks of all herbs on the AH everyday for 4 days in a row at less than 50% of the already low prices then you should get reported and banned.

The other part of me thinks that if a "cheat" then I shouldn't get mad at another cheater.

Anyway I hope this guy is listening and realizes that regardless of if I get so sick of it that I report him, if I even do, that he will get banned soon.

Should I contact this guy ingame and warn him?
What should say?
Should I report him for being so stupid and killing the market for everyone of the server?
Is it wrong to report a botter for this?
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I love GB. It has made me a ton of gold. I like boting and think it is an important part of the game. I have never reported another botter. I go as far as to help people by telling them if there profile sucks and i can easily tell they bot, or warn the guy that puts 300 stacks of saronite on the AF of 10g that he will get banned for that stuff.

Now using GB has been great for months but for the last few days one guy on my server has has tanked the market undercutting everyone by 40%, selling saronite for less than what he could vendor it for.
I don't want to get reported and banned but I am having a moral delema with this guy. Part of me says screw you guy! If you are dumb enough to put 300 stacks of saronite and over 50 stacks of all herbs on the AH everyday for 4 days in a row at less than 50% of the already low prices then you should get reported and banned.

The other part of me thinks that if a "cheat" then I shouldn't get mad at another cheater.

Anyway I hope this guy is listening and realizes that regardless of if I get so sick of it that I report him, if I even do, that he will get banned soon.

Should I contact this guy ingame and warn him?
What should say?
Should I report him for being so stupid and killing the market for everyone of the server?
Is it wrong to report a botter for this?

Never report a botter when your botting it's just stupid. If he is flooding the AH and undercutting by 40% it wont take long before he get's banned by other people complaining, also you could do what im doing and that is prospect all the ore to make more profit and diffrent things to sell :)
Never report a botter when your botting it's just stupid. If he is flooding the AH and undercutting by 40% it wont take long before he get's banned by other people complaining, also you could do what im doing and that is prospect all the ore to make more profit and diffrent things to sell :)

Prospecting does not make any profit on my sever. My problem with is that this botter has become "that guy" that normal players and botters both want to be banned. At what point does a botter cross the line and should be punished by other botters?
Prospecting does not make any profit on my sever. My problem with is that this botter has become "that guy" that normal players and botters both want to be banned. At what point does a botter cross the line and should be punished by other botters?

then smelt them into bars and sell to vendor :) getting them banned wont stop them from spamming the AH he is probaly using a vanilla account with a level 1 alt to push all the mats out to sell fast to make a few gold before he get's banned, banning him will only delay him and the next time he could be alot worse.
Is he selling below vendor prices? I think it's 12g for ore and 25g for bars. If he is just send him a in game mail pointing out that he can make more money selling to the vendor. Or do so yourself.
He is a level 80, I looked at his gear. Mostly 25man ICC stuff. He is not is a raiding guild. And yes he is selling for less than what he could vendor for. He has now got the price for ALL northrend herbs excluding Frost Lotus to 6g a stack or less. He has posted over 25 stacks of all herbs and around 50 stacks of ore now. I have lost it with this guy. I am almost to the point that I am going to get on all my accounts and report this guy.
They were doing something similar on ghostlands yesterday. Several people reported it and today the markets are mostly normal again.

Edit. Seems I spoke too soon, they were aparently working other servers as they're back on mine for the afternoon shift. Time for more aggresive measures.
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They were doing something similar on ghostlands yesterday. Several people reported it and today the markets are mostly normal again.

Edit. Seems I spoke too soon, they were aparently working other servers as they're back on mine for the afternoon shift. Time for more aggresive measures.

This is just odd. I have never seen so many stacks posted at one time. Now over 320 stacks of saronite on my server all by the same lvl 80.

PLay time is over I am going to report this guy on all my accounts and get my friends to report him. When someone else does stupid crap and it harms others, that is when it is ok to report another botter. IMO
Herb war is going on in my server too, Flasks are down by 10g then norm price for weekend.
PLay time is over I am going to report this guy on all my accounts and get my friends to report him. When someone else does stupid crap and it harms others, that is when it is ok to report another botter. IMO[/QUOTE]

I agree, competition is one thing, but destroying a market is another. You start taking money out of my pocket it's on. It's odd that he would do it on an 80 though. Makes me think hacked account.
Why all this troubble? BUY his stuff, VENDOR his stuff, EARN his money. Where's the problem?
Why all this troubble? BUY his stuff, VENDOR his stuff, EARN his money. Where's the problem?

That's good for the ore, but it doesn't help much with the herbs. Would be nice if they gatherables were normalized together at their vendor prices.
id just ignore him and post stuff for slightly higher price
others will report him as well as buy out his stuff to use/vendor
This is just odd. I have never seen so many stacks posted at one time. Now over 320 stacks of saronite on my server all by the same lvl 80.

PLay time is over I am going to report this guy on all my accounts and get my friends to report him. When someone else does stupid crap and it harms others, that is when it is ok to report another botter. IMO

crappy thing to do. you are cheating too, you are not better than him.
crappy thing to do. you are cheating too, you are not better than him.

Aint about moral high ground. It's all about profit. losing 20 plus gold per stack adds up fast. If somebody walkin down the street trys to take the cash from my pocket am I supposed to let them because defending myself might be viewed as mean by some? Hell no. They are slowing down the rate at which we can generate cash with this game, literally taking money out of the pockets of those who sell gold. I will stop it as I am able. Does he have a right to post auctions for whatever price he wants too? You bet. Does he risk me exercising my right to shut him down if he's stupid about it? Yup.
crappy thing to do. you are cheating too, you are not better than him.

But I am better than him because I am not an idiot and what I do does nothing to effect any other botters in any significant way. I know of over 20 botters on my server, all of whom do not screw with me and I don't mess with them. We can all get along fine and play by the unwritten rule, the rule that says don't be an idiot and kill profit and make botters look bad, so why can't this guy?

On my server like most we play by these rules and everyone wins and we are all friends.

Rule #1 - Don't bring unwanted attention to other botters
Rule #2 - Do not post 32,857,340,827,632 stacks of everything that is farmed
Rule #3 - Do NOT sell all the 32,857,340,827,632 stacks of crap for less than vendor price
Be and idiot and break these rules and you deserve to be kicked and reported by ALL including fellow botters.

This is just my opinion but I think if more botters would just take some time to think about what they do and how it effects us all the community would benefit greatly.
But I am better than him because I am not an idiot and what I do does nothing to effect any other botters in any significant way. I know of over 20 botters on my server, all of whom do not screw with me and I don't mess with them. We can all get along fine and play by the unwritten rule, the rule that says don't be an idiot and kill profit and make botters look bad, so why can't this guy?

On my server like most we play by these rules and everyone wins and we are all friends.

Rule #1 - Don't bring unwanted attention to other botters
Rule #2 - Do not post 32,857,340,827,632 stacks of everything that is farmed
Rule #3 - Do NOT sell all the 32,857,340,827,632 stacks of crap for less than vendor price
Be and idiot and break these rules and you deserve to be kicked and reported by ALL including fellow botters.

This is just my opinion but I think if more botters would just take some time to think about what they do and how it effects us all the community would benefit greatly.

I agree. It's a weekend and sales are seriously slow because nobody wants to support a percieved hacker. It's funny, the few hours that prices were normal today (32g/stack for lichbloom) I sold 15 stacks to diff players. Since he's been posting again nothing has moved, I have kept a few stacks posted just below his to track demand. It's rediculous. Deep discounts do not equate to rapid profits in situations like these.
I don't see the problem..... farm something else, be dynamic. There is a good demand for low level herbs and ore, mithril and blindweed are good ones to try.

Reporting another botter is just wrong imo. (even if they are being an ass)