I mainly run my DH now for gearing it and getting the LoN build to push for fun. My sader was farming 80s in 7-11m with the bot and personal play im over 88 cleared with that but I have grown bored of him.. literally use him for getting cube gems over 80.
I personally run 72s on my DH. 1580 Paragon. 89 Trapped, 87 Powerful, 87 Esoteric:
https://gyazo.com/253eeec90a7f00cba46defe5e490c7f5 Avg 10m rift, 112bil exp.
Have 21k Dex, 474% CD, 59% CC, 1.1m HP.
80 gems on every item. Every item Ancient with correct stats.
Biggest thing is to actually have Vit on everything. Don't get Atk speed on wep instead get Vit. Dex/Vit/X on helm(I have crit on mine cuz it didn't have vit). Shoulders Dex/Vit/Resource/CDR. Etc etc. Everything has Dex/Vit/XXX.
So far in those 75 rifts it only died 25 times.
Cube: Dawn, Cloak of Wolf(use Vengeance helm if Zoeys belt is not 8.8% or higher), CoE.
Cluster Arrow: w/e rune you have skill dmg for(cold/fire/phys are all fine for 72+ botting).
Evasive Fire: Focus
Vengeance: Seethe
Vault: Tumble
Sentry: Guardian Turret
Companion: rune doesn't matter
Passives: Ambush, Awareness, Custom Eng, Ballistics, Cull of the Weak
Also, when I first started my DH for GRs I was doing 65s in the same time with 0 ancients other than a wep and no cubed gems on gear. Though I was in the 1400 paragons at the time using all the same shit as above(was physical at the time cuz I had non ancient physical bracers).