lvl him to 75 and then powerlvl your profs to 425 so you can earn money with them when cataclysm hits..
if u use JC you need 4 days per epic gem recepie or a lot of money for necklaces, so you won't make enough money with it till cataclysm, as far as prospecting titanium goes idk your servers economy..
depending on the deman of scrolls on your server i would make the char an jc / enchanter... but thats just if the demand on scrolls is high enough to buy you out..
on the server I have my main, i'm the only one selling enchanting scrolls.. so that nets me about 4-5k a day.. but i have every needed prof: jc, ench, scribe
alch the same, flasks & co don't have a lot of demand anymore..
just my 2 copper