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Been thinking of writing this for quite some time now.
Im not starting this as a discussion, and I dont want people to flame me saying "post logs" "mine works perfectly" or "the dev's do their best" The fact is that its been a LONG time now with unstability, and that need to be fixed.
I have currently 8 accounts going, and the way things are now we get a release, post errors in the bugtracker, wait, and if we are lucky some of the critical issues are fixed. Another release and the same shit happends all over. It have been months now, and after litterally hours and hours of tweaking and testing new releases me and alot of others users still don't have what we can call "stable"
The only thing that works for me now is GB2 which in itself is quite amazing.
I KNOW that alot of the plugins are coded voluntarily, but they are quite important to get them up and running. Please give the dev's X amounts of lifetimes so they don't have to rely on donations to be motivated to develop their code.
I have been a user since the SY days, and I have been a long term Glider user, so im used to "Betas" and waiting time. IMO the progress GB / HB has had is amazing, but its only the little issues that makes me frustrated.
I currently use ArcheologyBuddy, GB2, PVPbot, and was a HUGE fan of RAF.
1. Toons spin mid air when they try to get back to corpse, this can be fixed with pressing space once, or they will spin forever.
1.1 Fixed in ( I think)
2. We have 2 reloggers in this community, and none of them work, Ive been waiting for something stable for quite some time now and it pisses me off that we have to wait for what seems forever to get them updated. The lack of stability makes this quite important to have.
3. eAuction was also a plugin that saved us for hell of alot of time. This is a bot, we use it mostly to farm gold on several accounts, but spending ages to post auctions every day is a timesink that just makes me sick when we see how low the gold prices are.
4. My toons gets stuck in the same place trying to run through a building in AV, ive tried to BL the spot, but they still try to run through it which means that AV is useless.
5. Crashes, the lovely crashes! I don't think ive once woke up to see my bots still running, either its a crash or a 100mb file with some POI error causing my bot's to stand still. Trying to send logs through the send error report have not worked for quite some time now either.
6. Feedback from dev's? If you deside to make something, please PLEASE update first post if you have to take care of your family, go away or want to quit developing it so we don't sit here looking at at awsome thing that never will happend.
7. I know that PVP is beeing worked on, but how long time will it take to have more than 2 BG's up and running??
8. GB2 wont recognize if it stands in fire, so It can't gather or mount.
8.1 http://www.thebuddyforum.com/gatherbuddy-forum/3731-fire-close-nodes-problem.html
9. If the toons are in water they can't mount, this worked perfectly some time ago, but now they either drown or stand still forever.
10. "Death loop" A toon dies where there are alot of mobs, it flies back, releases in the middle of 10 mobs and dies again.
11. The toons get really confused when they get into the buildings in AV, moving, jumping and in the end blacklisting the toons from the othe rfaction on the top. If there is 3 players close it takes 45sec x 3 with extremely botlike behavior.
12. When the toons join AV they sometimes have problems getting to the gate, jumping and moving back and forth for around 30 sec.
We need more focus on getting this bot stable, 100's of users posting error logs months after months only lead to frustration. Focus on getting one thing right then move on to the next.
1. Stable HB
2. Stable BG's
3. Relogger
4. Stable plugins like Archbuddy, eAuction, Party and Questing
I can't understand why there are focus on mixed mode when the bots that is mixed between don't fumction properly?
This is not a bug submitting thread, but a friendly frustrated cry for help to the dev's regarding priority of developing the bot further.
Also, why not add an auto updater that chechs for new versions so we can get rid of all the people posting errors with outdated versions of HB / GB? Should have been added long ago, and not as a plugin that the dev will update for a short time. This also includes alot of other features that are developed as plugins, but should be hardcoded in HB.
Ive spendt 100's of $ to open my accounts, upgrades etc because I though after reading the forums about the plans with relogger's, eAuction and HB getting more stable, big misstake. After my toons run out of time in march I will not renew them and rather sell/give away my lifetimes. We use this bot to save time, and the way it is now it just is not good enough.
I can say alot of good stuff about this bot, this is just the issues I have that prevents me from boting.
Im not starting this as a discussion, and I dont want people to flame me saying "post logs" "mine works perfectly" or "the dev's do their best" The fact is that its been a LONG time now with unstability, and that need to be fixed.
I have currently 8 accounts going, and the way things are now we get a release, post errors in the bugtracker, wait, and if we are lucky some of the critical issues are fixed. Another release and the same shit happends all over. It have been months now, and after litterally hours and hours of tweaking and testing new releases me and alot of others users still don't have what we can call "stable"
The only thing that works for me now is GB2 which in itself is quite amazing.
I KNOW that alot of the plugins are coded voluntarily, but they are quite important to get them up and running. Please give the dev's X amounts of lifetimes so they don't have to rely on donations to be motivated to develop their code.
I have been a user since the SY days, and I have been a long term Glider user, so im used to "Betas" and waiting time. IMO the progress GB / HB has had is amazing, but its only the little issues that makes me frustrated.
I currently use ArcheologyBuddy, GB2, PVPbot, and was a HUGE fan of RAF.
1. Toons spin mid air when they try to get back to corpse, this can be fixed with pressing space once, or they will spin forever.
1.1 Fixed in ( I think)
2. We have 2 reloggers in this community, and none of them work, Ive been waiting for something stable for quite some time now and it pisses me off that we have to wait for what seems forever to get them updated. The lack of stability makes this quite important to have.
3. eAuction was also a plugin that saved us for hell of alot of time. This is a bot, we use it mostly to farm gold on several accounts, but spending ages to post auctions every day is a timesink that just makes me sick when we see how low the gold prices are.
4. My toons gets stuck in the same place trying to run through a building in AV, ive tried to BL the spot, but they still try to run through it which means that AV is useless.
5. Crashes, the lovely crashes! I don't think ive once woke up to see my bots still running, either its a crash or a 100mb file with some POI error causing my bot's to stand still. Trying to send logs through the send error report have not worked for quite some time now either.
6. Feedback from dev's? If you deside to make something, please PLEASE update first post if you have to take care of your family, go away or want to quit developing it so we don't sit here looking at at awsome thing that never will happend.
7. I know that PVP is beeing worked on, but how long time will it take to have more than 2 BG's up and running??
8. GB2 wont recognize if it stands in fire, so It can't gather or mount.
8.1 http://www.thebuddyforum.com/gatherbuddy-forum/3731-fire-close-nodes-problem.html
9. If the toons are in water they can't mount, this worked perfectly some time ago, but now they either drown or stand still forever.
10. "Death loop" A toon dies where there are alot of mobs, it flies back, releases in the middle of 10 mobs and dies again.
11. The toons get really confused when they get into the buildings in AV, moving, jumping and in the end blacklisting the toons from the othe rfaction on the top. If there is 3 players close it takes 45sec x 3 with extremely botlike behavior.
12. When the toons join AV they sometimes have problems getting to the gate, jumping and moving back and forth for around 30 sec.
We need more focus on getting this bot stable, 100's of users posting error logs months after months only lead to frustration. Focus on getting one thing right then move on to the next.
1. Stable HB
2. Stable BG's
3. Relogger
4. Stable plugins like Archbuddy, eAuction, Party and Questing
I can't understand why there are focus on mixed mode when the bots that is mixed between don't fumction properly?
This is not a bug submitting thread, but a friendly frustrated cry for help to the dev's regarding priority of developing the bot further.
Also, why not add an auto updater that chechs for new versions so we can get rid of all the people posting errors with outdated versions of HB / GB? Should have been added long ago, and not as a plugin that the dev will update for a short time. This also includes alot of other features that are developed as plugins, but should be hardcoded in HB.
Ive spendt 100's of $ to open my accounts, upgrades etc because I though after reading the forums about the plans with relogger's, eAuction and HB getting more stable, big misstake. After my toons run out of time in march I will not renew them and rather sell/give away my lifetimes. We use this bot to save time, and the way it is now it just is not good enough.
I can say alot of good stuff about this bot, this is just the issues I have that prevents me from boting.
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