I'm new here, but used another known bot for over a year.
The advantages here are the good community, flying, mining, crafting and so on. There are some plugin that is quite outstanding such as Lisbeth.
The major drawback, however, is combat botbases and fates. The methodology used today is built to always fail, being less effective, become out of date and fall into oblivion sooner or later
The solution is to build a Combat Bot base that is based on the filters (only) with priority system. No skills added, becasue thats what the user will add them self later. Basically we stop trying to build embedded profiles or design them around a specific job. that's a very poor and bad method
Construction instead a bot-base that is built on set of rules. If the condition is right, it will do something. The something can be any skills the player want to use freely.
Eg in filters:
If the target or player has byff id x, then ... (for example, a player can add to list the skill leech / esuna with such a filter)
If the target or player lacks the buff id x, then ... (a dps, tank or healer can activate som buffs if they are missing)
If the player HP is under x%, then ...
If the player HP is over x%, then ...
If the distance to the target is the x yards, then ...
If the distance to the target is less x yard, then ...
If the number of mobs within a radius of x yards from target player or center, then ... (for example AOE)
Now, when the sets of rules exist in a bot base like this, the players themself, regardless of whether they play dps, tank or healer class can set up their own profiles using these conditions in the bot base and make their own profiles in just a few minutes and share it between each other.