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What is going on in US?


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Yesterday I got 2 acc 72h susp.
Today I got perma ban on another acc. It was the acc that I was botting as safely as I could: running GB for less than 10h/day. Not using AH much. This night I even went to a not so populated area to farm herbs and the ban came after only about 3h of botting.

Compared to what I am doing on EU servers, this is a joke.
What the fuck is going on on US servers?! I spent like 2-3 weeks to get this acc to make me gold and I could make gold for about a week before the ban came. Only good thing is I managed to sell most of the gold last night.
Is it worth it..
US has been more aggressive than the EU to botters for over 5 years.
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HB + GB

2)If so, when was the last time?: last night for 3 hours

3)What profile were you using?: Benegan [GB2][AIO][Neutral]Kun Lai Summit

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: default druid

5)What plugins are you using?: none

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: less than 10

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 10%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 10-15

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? shuffle

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? yes. last night I made 1 gold sale for 160k

10)EU or US realm? US

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? paid acc
9)Was your account involved in gold selling? yes. last night I made 1 gold sale for 160k

My guess is that it probably had more to do with this.
I was thinking about that too. But what to do with the gold that we bot than sell it :) Thats the whole point ..for me atleast.

I love the part where you just slip in that you sold gold at the end, and assume it was the bot that got you banned. There's no banwave just a stupidity one
so... GB for 10 hrs/day AND you sell gold... and that's your idea of "botting as safely as possible"?

thanks for the laugh :)
I'll put this as nicely as I can but you really had it coming selling off of the account. There are extremely safe methods of doing it and face to face trading/mailing is not one of them.

We all learn from our mistakes, i've lost a 7 year old account over doing something like that so you live and learn.
I sold over 400k on 1 account only, I bot almost everyday and I never ever got a suspension, ban or warning. You cant just sell 200k like that, try sell like 30k then 40k.. blizzard will notice the huge amount of gold that was traded and they will understand you are envolved in illegal activitys...because usually people that trade over 150k are gold sellers or rarely wow billionaires with lots of gold :P