Good morning, I was just poking around API today, and ran across this little snippet of code, and was wondering, what is it?
It looks to be just a timer, but, if that's all it is, why have it declared here, rather than building your own and using that?
Does it have other functionality built in, such as checking PetAction cooldown, or a prevention for doublecasting, or...what? Heh.
I see also that there is another for ff14bot.Managers.Actionmanager.LockTimer, is this the same? (Assuming again, possible doublecast/spam prevention?)
Good morning, I was just poking around API today, and ran across this little snippet of code, and was wondering, what is it?
It looks to be just a timer, but, if that's all it is, why have it declared here, rather than building your own and using that?
Does it have other functionality built in, such as checking PetAction cooldown, or a prevention for doublecasting, or...what? Heh.
I see also that there is another for ff14bot.Managers.Actionmanager.LockTimer, is this the same? (Assuming again, possible doublecast/spam prevention?)