when verizon realized how impractical it is to continue giving people unlimited data after the advent of 4g, even though thats what the contract said when customers signed up in the 3G era, they made came up with plans to provide customers with cheaper phones and the like at the expense of capping the data in the contract. at least customers had a choice here, and knew they could still trust verizon.
i've been very happy with demonbuddy, honorbuddy, hearthbuddy, throughout the years. and i can remember at least 3 instances where i'd recommend a buddy product to a friend and spend an hour explaining how it worked and helping them set it up thru skype. more business for you.
all were lifetime keys, and was so surprised today when i tried to launch demonbuddy for the first time since spring of last year and found that my key expired?
and when i read your explanation for why you guys changed it, i'm just disgusted. at least my friends dont hold it against me, they hold it against you.
but you lied to us, bossland. we bought your lifetime keys under the pretense that they'd last a lifetime. you seem to not understand how trust works. maybe one day you will, but it'll be too late. you took the easy way out of this money rut, at the expense of your customers. and i'm not the only one of your loyal customers to say you've lost my trust. no trust? no more business. pce