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What i was told by 2 reps from blizzard


New Member
May 11, 2014
Im not gonna lie i was pissed when i found that my account had been banned. I know im not supposed to bot, but i would figure blizzard as greedy as they are would not ban tons of people. Once i logged back on the afternoon of the the 15th the screen came up that i was banned. So first thing i do is open a ticket bitching and here is their replies from 2 different reps:

I have been playing World of Warcraft since the original. I have never had any issues with anything nor giving you my money to play. When i came home from work today, my son said he was playing WoW and while he was playing he lost connection and was unable to re log back in. So when i get home i try to log in and my account is banned for so called exploits? I would really like to know what exploits were being done by a 12 year old... Instead of just banning someone i think that an explanation should be given. Also if your saying that my account is done i would like my money for this months subscription prorated for the remainder of the month. I will be unsubscribing and unless i can get an explanation on what my son was doing wrong while playing instead of just saying he was exploiting something, i will be deleteing all Blizzard games from all of my PC's in my house. Please feel free to let me know what the issue was instead of just saying exploiting.

Rep (Petraliandra)
Thank you for your follow-up contact regarding the license on this Battle.net. This license was 6-month suspension after one or more characters on the license were found to be using an unauthorized cheat program. These programs provide character benefits that are not achievable in the World of Warcraft through normal means. Such benefits include character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls or boundaries. These types of programs offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

As a result of this determination and the harmful nature of unauthorized programs on the game environment, the action taken against this license will not be reversed. Please understand that we do not reach this decision lightly. This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use).

You are responsible for any unauthorized cheat software found to be running in conjunction with World of Warcraft, regardless of the location and ownership of the computer used to log in to the game. Please remember to keep your login information confidential. Any license registered to your name may not be shared with anyone except one minor of whom you are a parent or guardian. The security of your license rests with you.

We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but they are in place to ensure that every player is able to enjoy their time in our games. Thank you for respecting our position.
As i said before i would like to know what exploit was supposedly done when my account was banned? All you have said was "Such benefits include character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls or boundaries. " So a game admin or master seen my son using a bot? Because i have never had nor have anything of such on my computer. There is still no proof.... Never mind, i have a few friends that played with me and my son, i will just let them know we will move on to something different to play. I know mine, my sons, and a few friends money monthly to blizzard doesn't account for anything, but i will never buy nor pay for another product from blizzard. Thank you for your proof that my son was exploiting World of Warcraft.....

REP #2(Engraakald)
Well met.

Thank you for your continued correspondence. After a thorough final review of the action taken against this license, we have arrived at the same conclusion. The action will not be reversed or changed under any circumstances.

This account has received a 6 month suspension (ending 11/13/15) for repeated use of prohibited third party programs over the last month. All logins during this time period were from your registered location, meaning it was not caused by a compromise and will not be overturned. If you are not sure of the exact program, I would recommend first running a virus and malware scan just in case, then checking through your add-ons folder for any programs which might edit game files or automate the game, rather than just adjusting the visible player UI. We do not provide more detailed information, as that can assist hackers in creating programs which are harder for us to detect.

We understand that you may still have concerns regarding the action, but we must reiterate that it was taken to address a violation of our policies (Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation), which all players accept before logging into the game.

As this issue has been reviewed by multiple representatives, it is now considered closed. If you have questions regarding a different license or issue, please feel free to contact us again. However, further inquiries regarding this issue will no longer receive a reply.

Dunno if everyone else got this but i wanted to inform everyone of what happened to me.
PS: Was funny that blizzard dos thier pay deductions from peoples financial institutions between the 5th -9th of every month and this bann happend on the 15th.........