Honorbuddy v2.6.15800.841 started.
Logging in...
T: 5247753169169323130 H: 2282422656
Attaching to D3D11
Attached to WoW with ID 3580
Mesh folder path does not exist, creating folder at path: C:\Users\Roon\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
Honorbuddy v2.6.15800.841 started!
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: 考古模式
New bot added!: 战场模式
New bot added!: 副本模式
New bot added!: 采集模式
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: 打怪模式
New bot added!: 任务模式
New bot added!: 混合模式
New bot added!: 组队模式
New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: FishingBuddy
New bot added!: Raid Bot
[Singular] Settings: default Pull More Count to 2 mobs for Elemental Shaman
[Singular] Settings: default Pull More Health to 75% for Elemental Shaman
[Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
[Singular] Starting Singular v5.0.0.4996
[Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Elemental
[Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the 任务模式 bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] Pull More: disabled, only 任务模式 will Pull targets
[Singular] Initialization complete!
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Enabled
BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Enabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Character is a level 69 Pandaren Shaman
Current zone is 北风苔原
Changing current profile to Auto Loader ($Rev: 5071 $)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : 任务模式
Current zone is 北风苔原 (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 2 mobs of type=[Quest]
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile 'Classic\[H - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[H - Quest] 1-12 Auto-Loader [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 1-12 Auto-Loader [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '[H - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[H - Quest] Panda 1-12 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to JP[H - Quest] Panda 1-12 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[Profile Message]: Compiling Shang Xi Training Grounds Quests
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[MountHook-c64c78(info)] Inserting hook
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\..\BC\[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Removing hook
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 23270...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 23248...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 25433...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 26042...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 26043...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29443...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 30858...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 24421...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 25539...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29209...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 24475...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29161...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 2455...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3385...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3827...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 6149...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13443...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13444...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 22832...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 33448...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 118...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 858...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 929...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 1710...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3928...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13446...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 22829...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 33447...
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\GoTo\H K to LK.xml'
Changing current profile to H K to LK [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\LK\[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)'
'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 2023 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__301()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => GetItemCount(34908) > = 5)();
1) Invalid expression term '=' at offset 0
Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : 任务模式
Current zone is 北风苔原 (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Honorbuddy stopped
Bot stopping! Reason: Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Logging in...
T: 5247753169169323130 H: 2282422656
Attaching to D3D11
Attached to WoW with ID 3580
Mesh folder path does not exist, creating folder at path: C:\Users\Roon\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
Honorbuddy v2.6.15800.841 started!
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: 考古模式
New bot added!: 战场模式
New bot added!: 副本模式
New bot added!: 采集模式
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: 打怪模式
New bot added!: 任务模式
New bot added!: 混合模式
New bot added!: 组队模式
New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: FishingBuddy
New bot added!: Raid Bot
[Singular] Settings: default Pull More Count to 2 mobs for Elemental Shaman
[Singular] Settings: default Pull More Health to 75% for Elemental Shaman
[Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
[Singular] Starting Singular v5.0.0.4996
[Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Elemental
[Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the 任务模式 bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] Pull More: disabled, only 任务模式 will Pull targets
[Singular] Initialization complete!
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Enabled
BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Enabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Character is a level 69 Pandaren Shaman
Current zone is 北风苔原
Changing current profile to Auto Loader ($Rev: 5071 $)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : 任务模式
Current zone is 北风苔原 (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 2 mobs of type=[Quest]
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile 'Classic\[H - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[H - Quest] 1-12 Auto-Loader [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 1-12 Auto-Loader [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '[H - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[H - Quest] Panda 1-12 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to JP[H - Quest] Panda 1-12 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[Profile Message]: Compiling Shang Xi Training Grounds Quests
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[MountHook-c64c78(info)] Inserting hook
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\..\BC\[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Removing hook
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 23270...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 23248...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 25433...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 26042...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 26043...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29443...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 30858...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 24421...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 25539...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29209...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 24475...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 29161...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 2455...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3385...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3827...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 6149...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13443...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13444...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 22832...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 33448...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 118...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 858...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 929...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 1710...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 3928...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 13446...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 22829...
[DeleteItems-c64c78(info)] Searching for 33447...
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\GoTo\H K to LK.xml'
Changing current profile to H K to LK [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
[LoadProfile-c64c78(info)] Loading profile '..\LK\[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)
1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 5071 $)'
'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 2023 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__301()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => GetItemCount(34908) > = 5)();
1) Invalid expression term '=' at offset 0
Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : 任务模式
Current zone is 北风苔原 (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 69 Pandaren Elemental Shaman Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in 北风苔原
[Singular] ... Zone: 诺森德 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Honorbuddy stopped
Bot stopping! Reason: Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.